
Maybe it is because of this relationship, Ernie Zirl after opening is active

Perhaps because of this special relationship, Ecuador Zirl after opening is very active. To spend their earnings and Marseille's Champions League clash, Germany core performance has been United Kingdom media questioned, some people even think he faded aura of 50 million, be part of the Gunners dispensable. Back to the Premiership, Ernie Zirl quickly proved its worth. After 5 minutes, his free kick goal almost impossible, although Begovic made a world-class fighting gear, but follow up of Sir w.Ramsay up shoots. nike free run Ernie Zirl indirectly create a scoring opportunity for companion, United Kingdom media say: "Sir w.Ramsay goal, Ernie Zirl 50% thanks! "As a matter of fact, he is just the beginning of the show. 36 minute, Ernie Zirl corner crossing to the right, per Mertesacker's header helped arsenal to lead again. The 72 minute and Ecuador Zirl free kick assists the plum blossoms BL, Sarnia scramble for the right place header hit the bottom left corner, arsenal settled the 3:1!mens nike free runThe Sky Sports after the game as well Zirl rate it 7, second only to Flamini ranked overall second. And as for his performance, the evaluation of the Sky Sports is: "3 goals, all of them related to demonstrated its importance. "The daily mail said:" early Zirl really reflects his value as an assist King. In the conquest of Spain (microblogging themes) after the game, Germany core is beginning to conquer the premiership. ”2 assists, 1 indirectly assists, 60 feet effective passing, 7 threats passing 94% passes completed, this is Ernie Zirl sheets are produced today. Loew, the trip to London this time did not come in vain. In the hands of Arsene Wenger, Ernie Zirl is that Ernie Zirl, even getting stronger.