
Inter's flagging in fact already cheap nike blazers men starting

Inter's flagging in fact already cheap nike blazers men starting to be felt since the end of last year. Last 10 games the team just one victory (Derby, Palacio at the end of the game to score), the score is only 8 points. State team after the new year seems to be even worse, 6 games without a victory (5 serie a and 1 Italy Cup), 4-2. Even more worrisome is that inter's offensive line players could not find the goal. Half inter once occupied the Serie a scoring charts on lead, but after 6 games of the new year the team only scored 2 goals, all from the Defender (long Woo Woo and Rolando Morales), strike Palacio seemed to expose the weakness of the arrow.Spain handsome Guardiola nike roshe run trainers uk after he assumed office, Bayern continued the excellent status last season, this season's accomplishments even in expanding all the time. Bundesliga after the 19 rounds, Bayern score had reached 53 per cent, is the highest period in Bundesliga history. Germany media analyzes the performance of Bayern Munich as well as Guardiola's tactical and paibingbuzhen concluded that Guardiola's "success formula", which is: 365:51+1.79+ (66%x 87%) +65. Such a "winning formula" seems to make some people scratching their heads, in fact, this formula consists of shooting, ball, standing, running, and other data.Dortmund's poor performance this season, that gives senior really upset. Dortmund CEO Watts grams recently when, in an interview, said Bundesliga Giants Bayern Munich have been suppressed in Dortmund, powerful opponent use of poaching reduced the strength of Dortmund, achieve the purpose of a dominance. Bayern Munich have quickly responded, Niklaus blattner, Kahn playing all said the Dortmund accusations unjustified, Strauss-Kahn also said Watts, this is winning sympathy. Bayern's Honorary President Franz Beckenbauer recently also joined the fray, he said Bayern are normal business actions, did not impair the Dortmund meaning.