
Portae.com: ww.portae.com, wwww.portae.com, www.portae.com, portae, pisos, venta de pisos, portae.com

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Portae.com information
Searches: ww.portae.com, wwww.portae.com, www.portae.com, portae, pisos, venta de pisos, portae.com, www.portae.com, portal de foronda 22, portae.es, inmobiliaria, portal inmobiliario, inmobiliaria online About Portae (portae.com): Portal inmobiliario del Grupo Endesa y servicios para el hogar.Portae has a three-month global Alexa traffic rank of 66,492. Visitors to the site spend approximately four minutes per visit to the site and 49 seconds per pageview. The site is relatively popular among users in the cities of Lleida (where it is ranked #228), Albacete (#369), and Vigo (#534). Portae.com's visitors view 2.9 unique pages each day on average. Compared with internet averages, it appeals more to users who have postgraduate educations; its visitors also tend to consist of women earning between $30,000 and $60,000 who browse from work.