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Inception, Harry Potter come to Facebook in expanded Warner Bros partnership

div class="yn-story-content">Earlier this month,entered into a deal that brought the movie studios -directed hit,to the social network as a streaming rental. The move was apparently successful enough to encourage the two companies to expand the partnership, as a new press release reveals that another five movies from the studio have been added as Facebook streaming rentals.The newly added movies are:, , ,and . Onlyseems to be up right now, though all five were set to launch last night.Rentals cost 40points, which amounts to $4. Rented movies are available for a 48 hour period, and users are able to make use of Facebook social features like chat and comments as they watch. Its pretty simple, though Facebook rentals continue to be a tough sell because of the larger selection and subscription-based pricing available through services likeand its Watch Instantly streaming. That said, Harry Potter and Inception both have massive followings on the Internet, andmade a good choice in including them., music downloads Andrew Tytherleigh | Hot Muffin, mp3 download Eleze - Teardrop Teardrop (Glenn Morrison and Bruce Aisher remix)