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Giffords well enough to use iPad

Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who was shot in the head last week at a Tucson “Congress on Your Corner” public event, has improved enough to scroll through an Apple iPad, ReutersThursday.“She is beginning to stand with assistance, she is scrolling through an iPad — these are all fantastic advances for her,” Dr. Michael Lemole, chief of neurology at University Medical Center in Tucson, said at a news conference. “They do show higher cognitive function.”But Lemole also cautioned listeners that Giffords still has a long road of recovery ahead.“But I do want to caution … that she has a long road ahead of her,” Lemole said.Giffords is set to relocate from the Tucson hospital Friday to a Houston rehabilitation center in Houston. Giffords’ husband Mark Kelly believes his wife will “make a full recovery.”“She’ll be walking and talking in two months,” Kelly said during the news conference. “You’ll see her walking through the front door of this building.”Read more stories from The Daily Caller 80 S X Mi .Never Gonna Stop .Remix Heaven 2006 volume 1 .Funk U Up .Dirty Midwest