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Cigarette controller(Burning Cigarette Interrupter)節菸器

Cigarette controller(Burning Cigarette Interrupter)Made In Taiwan ●   Product Introduction●Have you ever met similar experiences while you’re smoking but suddenly need to handle other things, then what will you do with the burning cigarette?Most of people try to keep smoking as much as he/she can, but actually it makes smoking heavier.Smokers are just satisfied with one bite smoke, and however what will smokers dowith the last half cigarette? Throw it out? Will it hard to flame on again? Not to mention it tastes different while flame on again.Nowadays, a whole-new patent design created for solving the embarrassing problems.Through thousands of technology and professional analysis that created the delicate design; without hurting the cigarette butt, this can 100% flame on again but tastes the same. “Cigarette Controller”, smokers can save cigarette payment, no need to force completing smoking. Tests proved that this decreases smoking quantities by 50%. → Expenses saved→ Eco-friendly→ Economical→ Aluminum→ Water-proof→ Permanent used→ Easy carrying→ Suitable for all kinds of cigarettes’ size→ Delicate designing※    Best choice for a Fashion Smoker ※ ● Product Specialist ●Patent designed. Snuff off the cigarette at once without hurting the cigarette butt.1.      Decrease smoking quantities by 50%.2.      Special Aluminum material. Water-proof, and for permanent use.3.      Suitable for all kinds of cigarettes’ sizes.4.      Easy carrying.5.      Delicate designing. ● Product Description ●Commodities inflation reflects on your wallet or purse. You get used to have one bite smoke after eating for relaxing, but have you ever think of saving payment? The best way is quite smoking, however, is that possible for you? Get rid of these annoying thoughts at once, because “Cigarette Controller” solves easier!Maybe you’re still hesitating, but finish the following description;We believe you will definitely do something.Always suddenly want to have delicacies while smoking? But always surprised by the burning cigarette been remained the butt after having delicacies? All you need to have is “Cigarette Controller”, just take the burning cigarette into the Cigarette Controller, and then it will snuff out within 3 seconds. You can then put the cigarette on the ashtray until you want to have a smoke.Flame on again, taste the same.Keep using “Cigarette Controller”, and you can save more on cigarettes’ expenses.For the UN-Smokers, please take around of your families, friends, pals, employers, coworkers and customers, do they smoke? Sometimes they just put the cigarettes on the ashtray and gone away, are you going to keep smelling the secondhand smoke? Help smokers around you met “Cigarette Controller”! → MIT(Made in Taiwan), ideal products for save expenses.→ Special Aluminum material→ Water-proof→ Permanent used→Delicate designing→ Easy carrying ※   Give it a try! Right now! ※  Taiwan Tainan LUNG JYI INDUSTRIAL CO., LTDTEL: 886-6-2820480、2822432、2833368 1F NO403-2,TA WU ST.,TAINAN.TAIWAN.R.O.C.節菸器(香煙燃燒中斷器)Cigarette controller(Burning cigarette interrupter)想要戒菸卻戒不掉,降低二手菸,有效降低吸菸者菸量的新發明~產品介紹是否有類似的經驗?當香菸抽到一半,臨時有事情要去處理。這時手邊的菸如何處理?多數人會為了不浪費盡量把菸抽完。不知不覺增加了菸量。其實菸癮一來,3.4口菸,就可以滿足。但面對還剩下的半根菸,要丟掉覺得可惜,但熄菸後,再次點燃使用時,擠壓扭曲的菸草不易點燃,且產生異味不如新菸。 如今,專利工學設計的產品誕生,解決了這個為難的問題。 經過多年的測試與改良,結合高技術製造,精密的斜度設計,可使香菸快速熄火,且不破壞菸頭。再次點如同新菸,容易點燃且無異味。使用本產品,可以節省香菸的浪費,也不用再勉強地將香菸抽完,無形中,就降低了菸量。 經過測試證實,可幫助控制每次香菸的使用量,有效降低50%以上用菸量。 用菸量降低一半以上,可以降低香菸對身體的危害,節省香菸花費,且對環境更友善。購買本產品,於正常使用7-8天,即以節省的香菸費用回收成本。經濟又實惠。 本產品使用特殊鋁製材質,防水防氧化,永久使用。不僅輕巧易攜帶。且適用各種香菸尺寸。高質感格紋設計,更為一個時尚精品的選擇。 產品 特點1.專利工學設計 快速熄菸且不破壞菸頭。2.有效節省香菸費用,降低菸量50%以上。3.特殊鋁製材質,防水防氧化,永久使用。4.適用各種香菸尺寸。5.輕巧易攜帶。6.高質感格紋設計。 建議售價:$180 龍記實業有限公司 TEL:06-2820480.2822432.2833368批發專頁 萬物齊漲的社會,您忍心看著荷包一直縮水嗎?習慣在飯後之餘抽根菸放鬆自己的你,何不想想要如何省下香菸的費用呢?最快的省錢方法就是戒菸,但您有辦法說戒菸就戒菸嗎?請趕快拋開這些煩人的問題吧!因為節菸器可以輕鬆幫你解決! 也許你現在還沒心動,但是看完以下的介紹,相信你就會馬上行動。 總是抽菸抽到一半,突然想吃東西嗎?當你盡情地享用美食後,才驚訝地發現抽到一半的香菸只剩下菸屁股,這時候,你就需要節菸器的幫助,只要把燃燒中的香菸放入節菸器裡,三秒後香菸就會熄滅,將香菸取出放在菸灰缸上,等到想抽菸的時候再拿起剛剛熄滅的香菸再點燃。您就輕鬆的省下一根香菸的費用,只要您持續使用節菸器,別說一根香菸了,還可以省下不少香菸的費用。 如果說不抽菸的你,節菸器對你沒吸引力?您是否有家人或朋友時常把菸放在菸灰缸上人卻不見蹤影,難道你要默默的聞菸味,又不敢把它熄滅嗎?這時你就該讓你的親朋好友認識節菸器,不但省時省力,還可以預防香菸持續燃燒的危險呢!【心動了嗎?這麼好的商品您不用別擔心太貴買不到,節菸器只要180元!】MIT的專利證明書,智慧型的節菸商品。特殊鋁製材質,不怕風吹雨打、日曬雨淋,一個就可以讓你永久使用。加上高質感的格紋設計,不怕有刮痕破壞美觀。3公分超輕巧方便隨身攜帶。 你也快來試試看吧!   タバコの火を消します。端で火傷することなく、シガレットコントローラーだけが出来ます。特許申請端を壊すことなく、消すことが出来、効果的に節約出来ます。タバコの数を半分に減らす事が出来ます。特殊なアルミニウム製品防水性、耐酸化性永久使用。台湾製保証ダイヤモンドチェックデザインの繊細な外見ミニサイズで何処へでも持ち運び可能です。どんな大きさのタバコにでも使えます。龍記實業有限公司 TEL:06-2820480.2822432.2833368