T i m e O u t

Horse Meat Scandal

Sometimes the divide between laughter and weeping is very thin.I'm sure nobody will take offence at a skit based on the current meat crisis that I've put together using slang and puns from the equestrian world in general.Frances FahyLamezia TermeItalyInvitation International Hoax Chase and Horsechow EventBridle and Groom SuiteGallop and Chomp Equestrian CentreICU8AGG2 Cheval-sur-MareCart MenuStartersBobtail soup Lame gee gee munchies Plodder noodles Flat coursesHarnessed wild stallions on thorough bread Dam good Quality Saddle Fried Paddock Filly Steedburger and tossed cob salad Battered trotters spare ribs Turf Browned Foal on his bit Brawny Stud Yearling on the hoof Stall fed nag in horseradish sauce Top graded steaks Pie, bald or hairy Nogs, Packs, Swigs, Chasers, Long necks, On the WagonFlighty cockedtail Red and white Pinto Decanter gait crasher Sprinter selz Sire Gelding’s Irish draught Fine Muled wine Double Horse Power Whiskey 30-year Shergarnay Nosebag and nozzleBest imported Columbian White Pony or Rare Horse (only for registered members)