Libertà per Ibrahim

The history in english

FREE ABDELLATIF IBRAHIM FATAYER NOW!Abdellatif Ibrahim Fatayer, a 43year old Palestinian, has spent the last 20 years in gaol in Italy for his part in the PLO attack on the Achille Lauro. This sentence was reduced to semi-liberty in 2005 in Perugia with the obligation of signing in with the police until 20 April 2008. On Wednesday 9th April he presented himself as usual to sign only to have his permission for semi-liberty revoked and to find himself transferred to a high security prison in Rome. He was held four hours at the police station in Perugia and his mobile telephone was confiscated as it had a video facility. On Wednesday night he was transferred from the police station to the Ponte Galeria prison.The request for his transfer to the prison prior to expulsion from Italy had been communicated via the Prefecture in Rome to the police station in Perugia on the previous 11th April during an interview lasting two minutes, during which he had no access to a lawyer.Ibrahim was born in Lebanon on 7th October 1965 in the Tall el Zaatar camp, made notorious by the massacre of 1976. As a child he saw his father killed in front of his eyes, whilst he was trying to protect Ibrahim from the militia, and he has since lost almost all his family in the fighting in Lebanon.On the 7th October 1985 he boarded the Achille Lauro along with other young Palestinian refugees intending to disembark at the Israeli port of Ashdud to kidnap Israeli soldiers to exchange with a number of Palestinian prisoners. Things did not go according to plan, the plot was uncovered, and they decided therefore to take over the ship; thus one of them, not Abdellatif, losing his nerve, killed the Jewish American Leon Klinghoffer. Eventually they were arrested at Sigonella, the American military base in Sicily. Arrested along with his companions, Ibrahim was sent to prison in Spoleto, where he remained for two years in solitary confinement. Following Spoleto he was sent to Voghera, and then back to Spoleto (EIV wing), thence to Livorno (EIV wing) and again to Spoleto. He was able to see his mother just twice before she died, at Voghera.In his three years of semi-liberty in Perugia he lived in a flat provided by Caritas and worked in a kebab shop. His stay in Perugia was punctuated by continuous interference on the part of police and the secret service.The extradition request was suspended temporarily on appeal fro his lawyer to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. Indeed his case is a particularly sensitive one, given his birth in a refugee camp and his lack of nationality; he is a stateless person. To which country indeed could he be extradited?Contact and solidarity to ibrahim65_1@libero.itVisit