NIGHTMARE IS OVER!L'incubo è finito!poche parole.... a 6 ore dall'esecuzione Kenneth Foster ce l'ha fatta, la pena di morte è stata commutata in ergastolo... il diritto alla vita umana è sacro, e non siamo certo noi a poetrci investire del potere voglio pubblicare la lettera che Kenneth ha scritto quando ha appreso la notizia della commutazione della pena....Dear Friends, Family and supporters,Oh my God, where to start. We are estatic, overwhelmed and full of smiles!Finally the Death row nightmare is over, no more seeing him frombehind glass- soon we will be able to hug him. Nydesha will be ableto hug him :-)Without all the hard work from all of you- it would have not beenpossible. You guys worked around the clock, made the calls, wrote theletters, marched with us, signed petitions, helped us organize,contacted the media and made this cross bareable for us.We thank God for having you all. We won guys- and all because of thefantastic team work!!!!!We love you all!Tasha & KennethKenneth Sr & Lawrence