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Microsoft's Got H.264's Back, Releases Plug-in for Chrome Users

Google made waves in the Web geek community last month when it announced that it would bein its Chrome Web browser. While some supported the move, others were concerned that it . But Microsoft hasthat will give you H.264 video support even after Google pulls the plug.The , as Microsoft calls it, will work with Chrome on Windows 7, though this means that users of older versions of Windows, or Chrome on Linux or Mac OS X, will still be out of luck, but it's better than nothing.If you're game, hit up Microsoft's site and .The HTML5 video format situation is still a mess, and it'll be a while until it's all sorted out. But hopefully the main browser vendors can get together and agree on a single format sooner rather than later.Like this? You might also enjoy...Get your GeekTech on:- -| Scaramunga .It's Hard to Say Goodbye to .On the Button EP .Download Gangster Festivity .Got to Be There