
Post N° 262

Effects of StressStress is difficult for scientists to define because it is a highly subjective phenomenon that differs for each of us. Things that are distressful for some individuals can be pleasurable for others. We also respond to stress differently. Some people blush, some eat more while others grow pale or eat less. There are numerous physical as well as emotional responses as illustrated by the following list of some 50 common signs and symptoms of stress.Frequent headaches, jaw clenching or pain Gritting, grinding teeth Stuttering or stammering Tremors, trembling of lips, hands Neck ache, back pain, muscle spasms Light headedness, faintness, dizziness Ringing, buzzing or "popping sounds Frequent blushing, sweating Cold or sweaty hands, feetDry mouth, problems swallowing Frequent colds, infections, herpes sores Rashes, itching, hives, "goose bumps" Unexplained or frequent "allergy" attacksHeartburn, stomach pain, nauseaExcess belching, flatulenceConstipation, diarrheaDifficulty breathing, sighingSudden attacks of panic Chest pain, palpitations, Frequent urinationPoor sexual desire or performanceExcess anxiety, worry, guilt, nervousness Increased anger, frustration, hostility Depression, frequent or wild mood swings Increased or decreased appetiteInsomnia, nightmares, disturbing dreams Difficulty concentrating, racing thoughts Trouble learning new information Forgetfulness, disorganization, confusionDifficulty in making decisions. Feeling overloaded or overwhelmed. Frequent crying spells or suicidal thoughts Feelings of loneliness or worthlessness Little interest in appearance, punctuality Nervous habits, fidgeting, feet tapping Increased frustration, irritability, edginessOverreaction to petty annoyances Increased number of minor accidents Obsessive or compulsive behavior Reduced work efficiency or productivity Lies or excuses to cover up poor work Rapid or mumbled speechExcessive defensiveness or suspiciousnessProblems in communication, sharing Social withdrawal and isolation Constant tiredness, weakness, fatigue Frequent use of over-the-counter drugsWeight gain or loss without diet Increased smoking, alcohol or drug use Excessive gambling or impulse buyingStasera al lavoro, il muscolo vicino al gomito del braccio sinistro ha iniziato a contrarsi involontariamente, e Simone, l'altro cameriere ha detto che si tratta di stress. Cosi' stasera ho fatto una piccola ricerca nel web, ed effettivamente sono stressato (senza contare che di alcune conseguenze ignoro il significato italiano, quindi non so se abbia anche quelle o meno).