An arbitrary upload

One of my lovely

One of my lovely ladies - a usual quiet but powerful presence in the classroom - shared some interesting news with us the other day. We were discussing the plural exceptions - the words that you can't just "add an S" onto. As we were listing some of the words we are familiar with - the word goose came up. We then wrote out the plural form. Then, suddenly, from the corner of the room I hear a loud "OH!" Following the outburst, the quiet lady slapped one hand across her mouth (apparently shocked she could achieve that voice level), and threw the other hand in the air. I love when they are so excited about sharing a thought that their fingers, while the arm is straight as a stick, will wiggle frantically. I imagine all of the dendrites going berserk in the brain with all of this action. I call on her, and she tells us all that her family now has a new pet. Two, actually. Ducks. This is a girl that lives in a relatively confined space. With a small outdoor area. And minimal bathroom space. (For some reason I am imagining that the ducks live in the bathtub. I blame Friends). But, ducks. City ducks. I imagine that the stories will really start to become interesting as these ducks become bigger. And louder. I asked her where they got the ducks, and she simply said: "The store." She made it sound like the local Kmart was having a clearance on ducks, and, well, her family happened to be in the right place at the right time. Who sells ducks? In the city?