
YEMEN: The opposition intends to prevent the return of President Saleh

The departure of the Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh, successfully operated on Sunday in Saudi Arabia after being wounded in a bombing, was celebrated by tens of thousands of people expressing opposition determined to prevent his return. Accused the government of being behind the bombing that wounded Mr. FridaySaleh, the powerful tribal leader Hached, Sadek al-Ahmar, agreed Sunday night on conditions for a cease-fire and the evacuation of public buildings occupied by his supporters in Sana'a. All day, the "youth revolution" had celebrated in the capital and Taiz what they see as "the fall of the regime." "Today, Yemen is a new born," chanted dozens of thousands of enthusiastic youngsters at the scene of sit-ins Standing near the University of Sanaa, according to an AFP correspondent. "It's over, the regime fell," replied others. Those who arrived in the square, where feasts were held, welcomed what they see as "the escape of Mr.Saleh, "they demanded the resignation in January. But the president denied, in power for 33 years, has every intention to return to the Yemeni capital.He will do in two weeks after his convalescence, told a Saudi official told AFP. Evacuated Saturday in Riyadh for treatment, he "has undergone two operations that were successful: the first was to remove a splinter (shell) of the chest, while the second is a neurosurgical operation in the neck," said the official on condition of anonymity. "The next operation is a cosmetic surgery," he added. The president was wounded, as several other senior officers in a bombing Friday in the mosque of his presidential palace. Hospitalization in Riyadh casts doubt on the power holder in Sanaa where the Vice-President Abed Rabbo Mansur Hadi has not been officially charged of acting as required by the Constitution, then in power is a struggle opened in the country. For the spokesman of the parliamentary opposition, Mohamed Qahtan, leaving "marks for us the beginning of the end of this tyrannical and corrupt regime. We will work with all our strength to prevent his return." Mansour Hadi met Sunday with the U.S. ambassador in Sanaa, Gerald Feierstein, the situation in the country, official Saba news agency reported without indicating that he assumed the office of President by Acting. "We are fully prepared to cooperate with Abed Rabbo, but the difficulty lies in knowing whether the son (and nephew of Saleh) are willing to hand over power to Mansour Hadi," said Mr. Qahtan in response to a question. The eldest son of the president, Ahmed, and his nephews control the major security agencies, including the Republican Guard. The absence of Mr.Saleh, however, did not mark the end of violence. In Taiz, large city in south-west and a hotbed of protest, the celebration of hundreds of demonstrators were of short duration. New clashes have killed four Republican Guards, the elite corps loyal to the regime, and three men armed militiamen from proposing to protect the demonstrators. The situation was relatively calm in the capital Sunday after intermittent gunfire overnight.But three dissident soldiers died in an accidental explosion, according to a military source. Moreover, the organizing committee of the challenge called for the formation of vigilance committees to protect public property against destruction and looting. This appeal was launched in the wake of looting that took place Saturday in Taiz after removal from the center of this city of security forces. These have cracked down hard in recent days several demonstrations against the regime.