
Washington accuses Pakistan of supporting the allied insurgency

AFP - The top U.S. military official, Admiral Mike Mullen, on Thursday accused of brutally ally Pakistan to export violence to Afghanistan, referring to the Senate Afghan insurgents Haqqani network as the armed wing of the Pakistani secret service. Before the Senate Committee on Defence, the Chief of Joint Staff has not embarrassed diplomatic language, a sign of the exasperation of Washington vis-à-vis the double game played by Americans in Pakistan yet considered an ally in the fight against terrorism. "By choosing to use violent extremism as a political tool, the Government of Pakistan - and more specifically the Pakistan army and ISI (the powerful Pakistani intelligence, ed) - not only undermines the prospect of strategic partnership with us, but also the opportunity for Pakistan to be a nation enjoying a respected regional influence legitimate, "he firmly told. According to him, "the Haqqani network acts as the real chief of the Pakistani ISI," said Admiral Mullen, who leaves office in late September. The Obama administration officials in recent days have stepped into question the government in Islamabad, leaving the threat of "appropriate measures". "If they continue to kill our troops, we will not stand idly by watching," he told the senior officer about the Haqqani network. This group is very active in eastern Afghanistan, one of the areas where the insurgency is most virulent.It uses as a base the tribal areas of Waziristan in northwest Pakistan where he is a target drone attacks, a secret CIA program. The Haqqani network is accused by Washington of being behind the attack last week against the headquarters of NATO and the U.S. embassy in Kabul and the truck bombing against a base of NATO, which killed more than 100 injured, including 77 U.S. soldiers. Admiral Mullen reiterated the accusation Thursday, saying they had benefited from the "support of the ISI." The Pakistani government denied Thursday the presence on its soil Haqqani network and promised the Americans to take action if it provides evidence to the contrary. Despite the billions of dollars in U.S. aid to Pakistan, the United States since 2001 accuse Islamabad of not doing enough with determination against terrorist groups and insurgents installed on its territory. The situation between the two countries is at its lowest since the U.S. commando operation conducted in early May in Pakistan to eliminate Osama bin Laden. For Mullen, Pakistan is making a mistake if it believes maintaining a regional balance against India by supporting Haqqani "exporting violence, undermining Pakistan's internal security and its position in the region.It undermines the international credibility and threatens its economic well-being. " But despite the problems posed by the Haqqani group, "the situation in terms of continually improving the security" in Afghanistan, he said. "The overall level of violence in Afghanistan decreases", for his part said Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, who sees the spectacular attacks and assassinations, including the Tuesday of former President Burhanuddin Rabbani, a "sign of weakness "Taliban. "As the Taliban have lost control of the territory last year," the insurgents carry fewer major attacks against the coalition troops, but focus more on "attacks that make the headlines" to cause a "psychological impact" maximum, said the minister.