
FRANCE: Claude Gueant will suspend the Commissioner Michel Neyret

The N.2 of the PJ Michel Lyon Neyret, who spent his first night in jail after his indictment including drug trafficking and corruption, will be suspended "today", said Tuesday on France 2 Interior Minister Claude Gueant. Michel Neyret "is charged and we draw the consequences: I will hang it today," said the minister, who has not ruled out similar action against five other officers still in police custody view. Mr.Neyret was notably indicted for corruption, influence peddling, conspiracy, drug trafficking, embezzlement and violation of professional secrecy and remanded in custody, his lawyers announced, after four days of care view in Paris. He was imprisoned for Health in Paris. Among the officers interviewed by the General Inspectorate of Services (IGS) which may in turn be presented Tuesday to the judge, there are two other commissioners, the head of the Brigade of Research and Intervention (BIS) and the head of Lyon the antenna of Grenoble PJ. For M.Guéant, the indictment "is a rare case at this level of responsibility and rank. It is a real trauma for the national police." "Mr. Neyret was considered a great cop, very effective.The National Police is suffering, but it is, it is extremely demanding in terms of ethics, and all sins are punished with rigor because it has a mission is to enforce the law, "he said. Monday evening, after the decision of a judge to detain Michel Neyret, counsel for one that was previously considered a "great cop" paid tribute to "a great servant of the Republic", "a man field ". He "can not blanket denial" Mr.Neyret "did not want to dishonor the police," he added. Me-Gabriel Versini Bullara will appeal the placement in escrow of his client. During his detention for four days, Michel Neyret conceded the "imprudence" and acknowledged having accepted gifts, including paid holidays in Marrakech and the Cote d'Azur.Two men considered close to the Lyon crime were indicted, including corruption. But Me Versini-Bullara said his client had "a real willingness to demonstrate that it is this corrupt man that some have wanted to portray, that some offenders senior wanted to stigmatize." Based on eavesdropping, investigators suspect of stealing Mr. Neyret cannabis before placement sealed or destroyed in order to pay informants or for resale, according to a judicial source. Mr.Neyret "can not deny any block.Some things are inevitable, he acknowledges, "especially about the" treatment sources, the ability to fund the treatment of some informants, "he told his lawyer, ensuring that his client" did not go to the connivance. " For his other lawyer Aurélie Sauvayre Me, his challenge in this case "raises the question of information processing." "The rules are sufficient, this being, this sad affair is the occasion for a reminder to all services of the rigor of the police ethics," said Claude Gueant. "The police their profession attend the outcasts, they observe before they stop, they may have contacts. (But) there is a yellow line that you should never cross is that of compromise and it does must never do anything illegal, "the minister said.