
GREECE - DEBT: Finance Minister laments "a lack of unity" policy

  The Greek finance minister, Evangelos Venizelos, a late Monday night that the Greek coalition parties confront each other as if nothing had happened, citing their lack of unity in the face to born ; Negotiations with creditors. In a statement, he stated that "the parties lack unity as the country faces a critical negotiation" with the EU and the IMF and an imminent "the risk of default" payment in Athens next month. "Instead of worrying about this tragic dilemma (...) in the exercise of national unity (...) many are dedicated to a confrontation exceeded as if nothing ' had happened, "he said.  "Unfortunately, we do not tell the truth to the Greek people," he added. "The negotiation is so difficult that when we overcome a problem, open up new fronts in other sectors," he said, comparing the situation to a " Hydra, "the monster of Greek antiquity who had several heads. The hope is to conclude an agreement Monday between the three ruling parties on measures to implement was disappointed, the planned meeting was postponed to Monday ; Tuesday, according to a government source. "The negotiations continue. There are still issues to resolve, "the source said the AFP to justify this new deadline. The challenge is to conclude three weeks of negotiating a double, both with foreign creditors and with the Socialist party leaders (George Papandreou), Conservative (Antonis Samaras) and extreme right (George Karatzaferis), on how the new course of rigor required by countries in return for a second bailout of 130 billion euros prepared since October.