
DIPLOMACY: Many organizations are concerned about the situation in Somalia

  AFP - enemies threaten the fragile peace process for Somalia out of more than 20 years of civil war, put together Tuesday warned the UN, African Union (AU) and the East African organization IGAD (Intergovernmental Authority on Development). In a rare joint statement, the three organizations said they were "extremely concerned" by the efforts made by some - they do not name - to derail " ; road map "signed in September, finally, an attempt to restore central authority in the country.  "The roadmap continues to be threatened by acts of individuals and groups within and outside of Somalia, who strive to ; undermine the fragile process that we have collectively established in recent months, "they say. "We went too far and too much is at stake for us to let slip the process, just as the best chance for peace in decades appears to Somalia , "continues the UN, AU and IGAD, East African organization one of whose missions is to maintain peace.  Somali transitional authorities and leaders across the country - including those of autonomous regions like Puntland but no one self-proclaimed independent Somaliland - signed In September, an agreement to form a new government by 20 August. A new constitution must be adopted and a new Parliament appointed. Somalia has been without an effective government in a state of civil war since the fall of President Siad Barre in 1991. Since then, the country is fragmented and attempts to restore genuine rule failed one after the other. The chaos led to the emergence of rebel groups like the Shebab Islamist insurgents, including the transitional authorities are now trying to overcome with the help of the international community, but also warlords and pirate groups that control more or less large part of the territory.