
VENEZUELA: The Maduro gets "special powers" to rule by decree

  The Parliament of Venezuela on Tuesday approved the granting of special powers to President Nicolas Maduro, allowing him to rule by decree for a year to fight against the inflation crisis and shortages experienced by these month the oil-producing country. After validated at first reading on November 14, the National Assembly (unicameral parliament) adopted in second reading with the minimum votes required 99 votes out of 165 the majority of 3/5th. This new development comes less than a month before the local elections of December 8, the first electoral test for President Maduro, narrowly elected on April 14 after Dece , s in March of former President Hugo Chavez (1999-2013).  Maduro reinforces its leadership for its "economic war" Last month, the Venezuelan president had submitted to Parliament this request for increased powers to fight against corruption and an alleged "economic war" conducted, he said, by "the bourgeoisie" - include the private sector and the political opposition - supported by the United States. In a speech televised on October 9, the Venezuelan president had described the application of the full powers of the question "life or death" for Venezuela. Since taking office, Venezuela suffers a worsening economic crisis, he already crossed, and which results in an inflation of over 54% year on year, and a shortage currency and food products or consumer.   Dependent on imports and lack of permanent currency despite the largest reserves of oil in the world, Venezuela is in the shot, since 2003, a strict exchange controls that promotes surge in the dollar on the black market (more than eight times the official rate). The "vigilante President" Proclaiming "vigilante president," Nicolas Maduro imposed last weekend discounts of 50 to 60% in the appliance stores, causing a run on these products degenerating into isolated looting . Special powers to rule by decree, bypassing the Assembly was requested by all presidents of Venezuela since the 1970s. Hugo Chavez has used it in 2000, 2001, 2008 and 2010, allowing it to approve more than 200 texts. With AFP dispatches