
Post N° 47

Artista: Muse Album: Black Holes And Revelations Titolo: Starlight Far away This ship is taking me far away Far away from the memoriesOf the people who care if I live or die Starlight I will be chasing your starlight Until the end of my life I dont know if it’s worth it anymore Hold you in my arms I just wanted to Hold you in my arms My life You electrify my life Let's conspire to ignite All the cells that would die just to feel alive I’ll never let you go If you promise not to fade away Never fade away... Our hopes and expectations Black holes and revelations Our hopes and expectations Black holes and revelations Hold you in my arms I just wanted to Hold you in my arms Far away This ship is taking me far awayFar away from the memories Of the people who care if I live or die I’ll never let you go If you promise not to fade away Never fade away... Our hopes and expectations Black holes and revelations Our hopes and expectations Black holes and revelations Hold you in my arms I just wanted to Hold you in my arms...testi e musiche quasi  uguali agli altri album del gruppo,  manca il pianoforte dei 2 dischi precedenti, in compenso qualke rif di chitarra in più rende l'intero disco leggermente più "armonico", solo a volte risulta graffiante come "Origin of simmetry". nel totale lo metto al terzo posto tra i loro lavori,  resta indiscusso capolavoro "Absolution" (2003) e al secondo posto il già citato "origin of simmetry"aggiungo ke però...è molto trascinante, e le ultime 2 canzoni sembrano un omaggio al maestro Morricone in salsa rock (visto ke ne sono stati influenzati durante le registrazioni a milano)Da ascoltare!