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Stern publicly warned the players union

Associated Press, NBA players face Wednesday's "deadline", otherwise they may face after a worse agreement. NBA commissioner David - Stern said the "players only reasonable thing is to accept the current agreement."Monday, U.S. time, in an ESPN interview, Stern said the league is aware of the "agreement has been put ada blog  on the table", but did not realize that if the deadline is still no agreement, "This agreement will become of them worse and worse. "The current proposal is to allow employers a BRI into the players stay in the 49% -51%, but was rejected by the players union. Stern said the next proposal, the players union can only get 47% of the share, but also will increase the hard salary cap system.Before, "New York Times" revealed Stern has an open letter to the players union. "For us to continue negotiations, I give NBA players union some time to consider our proposal 50-50." Stern wrote, "We want to remind the aline blog  players union, which is the best they can get proposal of. "Stern said the players' union executive director Billy - Hunter, "Billy, I really hope we can agree the next few days."