Forefront the Manilius crater that is located on thenortheast edge of the Vaporum Sea with diameter of 39 km,shooted by Achille Giordano of the GLR group. Immediately to South of the crater a elusive crack isvisible, similar to a diagonal line first observed by Pau(from the observer who his name is K.C. Pau a member of GLRGROUP). For reference on this formation and to a dome near Maniliussee to the description in
 Selenology Today  n°3, in thearticle of Lena, Wöhler, Pau and Bregante. Probably this elusive crack, damaged, not visible in theimages of the Lunar Orbiter but identifiable in the imagesof the probe Clementine, is a graben formed from the stressoriginated from a pressurized dike that it has not caughtup the surface but is gone up, through fractures of thecrust, to  low deep; a mechanism suggested from Petrycki ed  Wilson (1999) for rima Sirsalis and rima  Parry V. To the West of Manilius is observable the presence of aseries of domes, some already seen and presented in our map LAC 59 .  The description of this rima and of these domes will come reported in an article in the next number ofSelenology Today (# 9). With a telescope of only 125 millimeter, Achille has shoot the formation of the caldera INA (see the green arrow), that it appears as a smallsinking to the north-west of Manilius (see the description of INA in Nuovo Orione november 2007, pagg. 34-38 , I Vulcani della Luna di Lena e Bregante GLR GROUP).
 Ina looks like a depression, sure a spectacular formation,from the diameter of approximately 3 kilometers and a depthof 30 meters and has been considered, still from theanalyses executed on the photos of the Apollo missions, acaldera. Good shoot Achille!! The good optical quality,associated to good seeing conditions and a favourablecondition of lighting has allowed you to catch eludingdetails. Ina is localized to the coordinates of 18.7° Nand 5.3° E, and represents a reason of deepening for theamateur astronomers that want to participate to a wider planof studies, beyond to verify the limits of resolution of theown telescopes. INA is a difficult detail, like shown (L99) by Wood, and today the shots have been obtained with great telescopes, like in the case of  Higgins. Also Paolo Lazzarotti, with itsGladio, has resumed INA and domes,  under moderate solar light. Which further  fine details we will be able to emerge from his telescope under a good seeing and one goodsolar oblique light ? Which results will turn out with the use of narrow band  filters, already used by R. Evans of the GLR, on so little extended formations, as just INA, obviously byusing telescopes of great diameter? And still: INA is localized on a low plateau or is part of a dome ?