
Rocket 8 Lian Sheng, mo Lei is reviewed in those days Nuowake kills king absolutely

Rocket team beat lake person group in the contest tomorrow, this battle at that time, rocket team was obtained 8 Lian Sheng.“8 Lian Sheng, let us become a better team. Team of rocket of ” of # white country accuses to defend Petrick - after Beifuli is surpassed, push in oneself go up especially express.After the contest ends, rocket group general manager amounts to Lei Er - Mo Lei also is pushed in his go up especially mentioned 8 Lian Sheng Cheap Ken Griffey Shoes Sale.“ last time we win 8 Lian Sheng's time (attach video) ” Mo Lei is written.This paragraph of video was on Feburary 13, 2008 the competition that rocket team beats kingly group, husband of the base of a fruit of that agonistic history - Nuowake is cast for rocket team medium kill 3 minutes absolutely.After that contest, rocket team was obtained 8 Lian Sheng, that also is them 22 a of Lian Shengzhong cheap kobe 8 shoes.