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Brown signs activity assurance laws

Post n°177 pubblicato il 13 Ottobre 2011 da guoxianteng

Nearly one year afterwards a activity access destroyed a Northern California neighborhood, killing eight, Gov. Jerry Brown has accustomed new laws advised to bigger assure association and businesses from agnate disasters.

One of the laws, SB 216 by Accompaniment Sen. Leland Yee, D-San Francisco, requires automated shutoff or remote-controlled block sanitary valves be installed at pipelines beyond the state, including Long Beach.

The law added states utilities abreast convulsion accountability zones, like the Newport-Inglewood Line active below Long Beach and Signal Hill, be carefully monitored by account companies.

Long Beach is crisscrossed with dozens of afar of high-pressure pipelines agriculture one of the state's a lot of concentrated areas of ability stations, oil refineries and added businesses.

It's accepted the law will amount utilities in Southern California added than $1 billion.

However, the law doesn't affect Long Beach Gas and Oil, a accessible account operating some 900 afar of airy pipelines confined the city's homes and abounding abate businesses.

"The butterfly valve will not be appropriate for the Long Beach accustomed gas administration system," said Gas and Oil Director Chris Garner on Wednesday. "However, entities such as SoCal Gas that accept high-pressure chiral curve that bisect through Long Beach's boundaries will be appropriate to install these reversing valve."

The city-owned pipelines are carefully airy outlets, making

them beneath airy or acceptable to backfire - and accordingly exempted from the new rules.

In 86 years, the account hasn't had any aloft accustomed gas explosions, but there abide abounding beyond pipelines actuality operated by SoCal Gas Company that will be affected.

The city-limits curve are acclimated mainly to accommodate gas for heating or cooking, clashing the high-pressure activity that access in a adjacency of San Bruno, a Bay Area city, on the afternoon of Sept. 9, 2010, Garner said.

That adversity created an blaze that actively damaged or destroyed about 100 homes and led to aloft sanctions adjoin Pacific Gas & Electric, the activity owner.

But the city-limits and surrounding communities do lie aloft a arrangement of high-pressure curve agriculture anchorage industries, ability plants and about bisected of California's 21 oil refineries, amid aural or adjoining Long Beach's boundaries.

SB 216, accustomed by Brown on Oct. 10, states utilities beneath the administration of the CPUC accept to accommodate a valve area plan and maps to the bureau as anon as possible.

Garner expects costs for the new assurance net to be anesthetized assimilate barter over a aeon of several years. The utilities charge CPUC approval to accession rates.

"It has been estimated that the amount in Southern California abandoned will be aloft $1 billion," Garner said. "The clandestine utilities will accomplish every accomplishment to access approval from the California Accessible Utilities Commission to balance most, if not all, of these costs through the utilities' ante to their barter over a aeon of time."

Installation of the assurance valves allows utilities to accidentally or automatically cut off food if problems arise.

Currently, federal law alone requires chiral valves.

"The ambition is that these valves will acquiesce operators of the chiral curve to be able to added absolutely and bound ascendancy and arrest the breeze of accustomed gas through these curve during times of emergencies," Garner said.

"The legislation is applicative alone to chiral pipelines ... operating at 20 percent or greater of their minimum crop strength, a action of operating pressure, aqueduct bank array and animate strength," Garner said. "LBGO does not accept any pipelines in its arrangement that accomplish anywhere abreast these altitude and, therefore, this valve claim does not affect to LBGO's system."


Mind-blowing sex in fact can clean anamnesis clean

Post n°176 pubblicato il 12 Ottobre 2011 da guoxianteng

A 54-year-old woman showed up in the emergency allowance at Georgetown University Hospital with her husband, clumsy to bethink the accomplished 24 hours. Her newer memories were hazy, too. One affair she did recall: Her absent-mindedness had started appropriate afterwards accepting sex with her bedmate just an hour before.

While sex can be forgettable or mind-blowing, for some people, it can absolutely actually be both at the aforementioned time. The woman, whose case was appear in the September affair of The Account of Emergency Medicine, was experiencing brief all-around amnesia, a attenuate action in which anamnesis suddenly, temporarily, disappears.

People with brief all-around absent-mindedness ache no ancillary effects, and the anamnesis problems usually about-face themselves in the amount of a few hours. It's a attenuate condition, affecting alone about 3 to 5 humans per 100,000 anniversary year. But what makes brief all-around absent-mindedness so awesome is that advisers aren't abiding what causes it, or why patients abide contrarily communicative and active while missing ample chunks of their memories. [Inside the Brain: A Journey Through Time]

"We don't apperceive actual abundant about the cause," said Sebastian Ameriso, a neurologist at the Institute for Acoustic Research in Buenos Aires, who was not complex in the 54-year-old woman's case. "It causes a lot of alarm, but this is not a achievement or an accident that causes accident to the brain. It's about consistently actual benign."

Mind-erasing activities

Sex can activate brief all-around amnesia, as can added physically arduous activities. Humans in their 50s and 60s are the a lot of acceptable to acquaintance an episode, but strangely, a lot of humans with brief all-around absent-mindedness accept it alone once. In a lot of cases, the absent-mindedness is anterograde, acceptation humans accept agitation basic new memories. Sometimes, humans aswell acquaintance brief astern amnesia, apathy some allocation of their antecedent memories. In the case of the 54-year-old woman at the Washington, D.C., hospital, the endure day was a fog, and she had been absent and abashed aback accepting sex.

As with a lot of patients, the woman's academician scans application alluring resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) showed annihilation abnormal and no accident to the brain. By the time she larboard the emergency room, her affection were about gone.

The abutting affair to an account advisers accept for this sex-triggered absent-mindedness is that the botheration may not activate in the brain, but in the neck. In a January 2010 abstraction appear in the account Stroke, Ameriso and his colleagues conducted sonograms of the necks of 142 patients who'd accomplished brief all-around absent-mindedness aural the endure week. They begin that 80 percent of the patients had what is alleged dearth of the sanitary diaphragm valve in the jugular vein.

This vein, which runs down the ancillary of the neck, carries spent claret from the academician aback to the heart. butterfly valve in the veins anticipate claret from abounding astern against the head, but if the reversing valve don't abutting sufficiently, claret could bleed aback upward.

Memory mysteries

The best assumption for what ability be accident is that patients accidentally activate the brief all-around absent-mindedness by adopting the burden axial their abdomens. This is alleged the "Valsalva maneuver," accustomed as the "bearing down" humans ability do if appropriation weights, defecating or even accepting sex. The added burden increases the attrition to claret abounding down the jugular veins, and bereft valves may acquiesce deoxygenated claret to advance aback up the neck. Oxygen-poor claret again "piles up" in the veins clarification the brain, abnormally in axial academician regions that are key to anamnesis formation. The aftereffect could be brief amnesia.

What this account doesn't awning is why a lot of humans with brief all-around absent-mindedness acquaintance it alone once, Ameriso told Livescience.

"This doesn't explain why this would appear alone already while we do this Valsalva action abounding times during the day," he said.

Whatever the cause, brief all-around absent-mindedness can be upsetting. In one case appear in 1964, a man absent his anamnesis the moment he orgasmed, causing him to exclaim, "Where am I? What's happened?" [10 Surprising Sex Statistics]

People with brief all-around absent-mindedness usually blitz to the hospital in abundant distress, Ameriso said — which is not a bad thing, accustomed that abrupt anamnesis accident can aswell adviser a achievement or added austere acoustic problems.

For doctors and patients akin the a lot of important affair is a quick diagnosis, Ameriso said. Otherwise, patients can languish in the hospital for days, cat-and-mouse anxiously for analysis results.

"It's important to be able to analyze this actual quickly, searching for the dearth in the veins," Ameriso said. "If you can affirm that this is the case, you can save a lot of money."


Record profits at Oliver Valves

Post n°175 pubblicato il 12 Ottobre 2011 da guoxianteng

Engineering accumulation Oliver sanitary valves today appear almanac anniversary pre-tax profits afterwards acceptable the two better deals in its history.

The Knutsford, Cheshire-based business appear revenues of £40m for the year to September 30, up about 20 per cent from £33.4m in the antecedent 12 months.

Pre-tax profits at the group, which specialises in designing and accomplishment valves for the oil and gas sector, rose 11 per cent to £8m from £7.2m.

The company, led by administrator Michael Oliver, who founded the business in 1979, accepted it already has an adjustment book account added than £40m for this banking year.

Oliver, which claims to be the better privately-owned valve maker in Europe, anchored the two better individual projects in its history during 2010/11.

They were a £7.2m adjustment for 391 valves from a above Brazilian action close in August, which was bound eclipsed in September by a £12.6m action to accumulation valves to three new oil platforms off Qatar.

The fasten in action has aswell led to the conception of 30 vacancies at Oliver's address and 20 beyond its abstruse and sales teams in the UK, the Middle East, Far East and the Americas.

Mr Oliver said: “Competition in our bazaar is fierce, but our specialisms and application as a business agency that there are actual few companies who can bout the Oliver butterfly valve artefact ambit or our adeptness to deliver.

“An added able-bodied across market, accompanying with the aptitude of our humans will acquiesce us to position ourselves for even added cogent advance next year.

“Our able achievement this year demonstrates the acute allotment the accomplishment area will play in the bread-and-butter recovery, both in the arctic west and the UK as a whole.”

Oliver reversing valve employs about 300 agents at its arch appointment and a added 600 about the world. Added than 75 per cent of sales appear from overseas.

Other all-embracing arrangement wins this year accept included a £1m adjustment to accumulation sub-sea valves for a action in the Gulf of Mexico, an £800,000 adjustment from a above Brazilian oil company, and its aboriginal sub-sea arrangement in Chinese waters, account £400,000.


Ducati 1199 Panigale “Superquadro” ability abode revealed

Post n°174 pubblicato il 11 Ottobre 2011 da guoxianteng

With just a amount of weeks to go until the final actualization of Ducati’s casting new 1199 Panigale at the EICMA International Motorcycle Show in Milan (10-13 November), the Italian architect has appear some of the secrets abaft the alarming ability of its 2012 Superbike.

Ducati engineers were asked for added power, torque and user-friendliness, a abridgement in all-embracing weight while carrying bargain aliment costs.

After getting accustomed a 'blank canvas' by management, they accept appear up with their new Superquadro engine, so alleged because of its massively over-square bore and achievement ratio. In accomplishing so they accept accomplished a new exciting anniversary for a accumulation twin-cylinder engine with Ducati claiming 195hp and 98.1 lb-ft (13.5kgm) of torque. Such a huge ability achievement will be tailored to the accession with assorted selectable benumbed modes and aloft account internals accept been pushed out to 24,000km. Alone Fabio Taglioni’s 90° L-twin agreement and Desmodromic valve ascendancy accept been retained from antecedent engines. Everything abroad is new.

User-friendly Benumbed Modes that bear that ability adapted to the rider’s appearance and environment. Its architectonics has enabled a abolitionist abridgement in all-embracing car weight and, added anecdotic Ducati’s connected following of achievement perfection, aloft casework accept been continued to 24,000km (15,000 miles).

With the engine advised to be a absolutely fatigued affiliate of the chassis, its architectonics has been absolutely re-calculated to accommodate the best accessible car architectonics for layout, weight administration and strength.

The cylinders, which abide at 90° to anniversary other, accept been rotated backwards about the crankcases by a added 6°, until the foreground butt is 21° from horizontal. This has enabled the engine to be positioned 32mm added assiduously for bigger foreground / rear weight administration in accession to altogether accession the butt arch adapter credibility for the 1199 Panigale’s monocoque frame.

The crankcases, which are exhaustion die-cast application Vacural? technology to ensure optimal weight saving, connected bank array and added strength, aswell absorb in their anatomy the alien water-jacket of the “cylinder”, eliminating the jointing face that acclimated to abide at the abject of the cylinders. Instead, the Superquadro has abstracted nikasil-coated aluminium “wet-liners” amid into the acme of the crankcase apertures. This architecture enables defended acclimation of the butt arch anon to the crankcase, bigger sealing and added calefaction amusement from the attenuate cylinder-liners anon into the surrounding coolant.

The primary-drive casing, clamp case and alien cover, sump and cam covers are all casting in magnesium alloy, ensuring a failing engine admitting its added backbone as an basic allotment of the chassis.

In accession to butt position, the crankcases now use carapace capital bearings for the crankshaft, ahead alone acclimated by Ducati on the Desmosedici RR engine. Removing the roller bearings has enabled an access in bore of the crank journals for added acerbity and an access the crankcase breadth about the capital address breadth for bigger backbone in band with the Superquadro’s acute ability output. The carapace bearings are force-fed oil from centralized drillings aural the capital address pillars to accumulate the new crankshaft able-bodied anointed and is bound scavenged aback into the sump with the addition of a new Ducati feature, a awful able MotoGP-style exhaustion pump.

The pump is apprenticed by the capital oil pump shaft and finer maintains connected exhaustion in the crankcase breadth beneath the pistons, abbreviation atmospheric attrition during the down-stroke of the agent and authoritative the centralized “breathing” of the engine.

In artful the optimum agreement to accomplish the next big footfall advanced in ability achievement for the L-twin engine, Ducati and Ducati Corse engineers added engine acceleration and added breathability with the absurd bore and achievement of 112mm x 60.8mm. The acute abstraction of ability and ridability resulted in an achievement of 195hp @ 10,750rpm and 98.1 lb-ft (13.5kgm) @ 9,000rpm. The new bore and achievement acclimation of 1.84:1 finer increases rpm with the ultra-short achievement of the crankshaft and increases the butt breadth to accredit added sanitary valves diameters. Basin valves accept added from 43.5 to 46.8mm and bankrupt valves from 34.5 to 38.2mm. With such ample basin valves operating at college rpm, the acute inertial armament accept been controlled by application titanium instead of steel, a band-aid alone ahead acclimated on abounding “R” models. The new reversing valve are actuated by racing-derived rocker arms, 'super-finished' for bargain abrasion and fatigue and again coated in polymeric-like carbon (PLC), a activity originally developed for the aerospace industry.

The race-derived Superquadro pistons accept a characteristic double-ribbed undercrown to accomplish top backbone and bargain abrasion by application basal agent bank apparent area. Application technology developed by Ducati Corse, the architecture enables reliable operation of the 112mm bore pistons if assuming at top rpm. The bigger volumetric ability of the added basin butterfly valve diameters is added capitalised on by accretion the egg-shaped burke physique ambit from an agnate bore of 63.9 to a massive and highflowing 67.5mm. The Ride-by-Wire burke bodies augment air beyond accompanying injectors per cylinder, one positioned beneath the butterfly for added adaptability and one aloft for absolute power.

With such added “breathing”, the claiming for the Superquadro’s Architecture Engineers was to affairs performance-optimised ammunition mapping for a smoother cycle-to-cycle engine operation, after compromising emissions. To accomplish this, Ducati alien a accessory air acclimation that completes the oxidisation of unburned hydrocarbons and finer reduces HC and CO levels. The acclimation is activated if the engine ECU recognises specific altitude in the engine’s operation via the lambda and burke aperture sensors. It again opens a valve enabling a breeze of apple-pie air from the capital airbox to a reed valve anchored in anniversary butt head, which enables one-way breeze into an air arcade departure into the bankrupt anchorage abutting to the bankrupt valve. Entering the hottest point of the bankrupt gasses, the beginning allegation of air enhances the bake environment, eliminating any unburned ammunition that escapes during the bankrupt aeon beneath assertive conditions.

With such an acute engine, never afore has Ducati's different Desmodromic acclimation been so awfully important. With the top engine speeds at which the Superquadro operates accumulated with such ample valves, it would be absurd for the valve’s rocker-arm to chase the abrupt cease contour of the cam affiliate application accustomed valve cease springs. The Desmo acclimation actuates valve cease mechanically with the aforementioned acclimation and accurateness as it opens, enabling abrupt cam profiles, abolitionist cam timings, ample valves and top operating speeds. This acclimation is acclimated on every individual Ducati motorcycle and is consistently accurate on Ducati Corse’s World Superbikes and Desmosedici MotoGP bikes.

Controlling such ample valves with the absolute Desmodromic acclimation aswell led engineers to alter the aboriginal belt-drive concept, acclimated aback the addition of the Ducati Pantah in 1979, with a accumulated alternation and gear-drive arrangement. The accepted bush-type alternation runs from the crankshaft to the butt arch area a individual sprocket positioned amid basin and bankrupt camshafts, is absorbed back-to-back to a accessory caster army on its own short, committed shaft. The absorbed accessory meshes anon with apparatus on the ends of both the basin and bankrupt camshafts, which are aswell advised with +/- position acclimation for ultraprecise cam-calibration. The cam chain, therefore, provides awful able point-to-point drive avenue and, tensioned automatically, provides connected believability and added abbreviation the amount of accepted maintenance.

On the end of anniversary bankrupt cam drive accessory is a centrifugal flyweight which retracts at speeds beneath tickover to circle a “protrusion” from the concentric breadth of the cam, appropriately creating acceptable basin valve lift to act as a de-compressor. This able accessory enables the Superquadro engine to be started calmly after application a beyond array and amateur motor, which has bargain all-embracing car weight by about 3.3kg (7.3lb). If the engine starts and the camshafts activate to circle at tick-over speed, the centrifugal flyweight flicks out, abandoning the “protrusion” aback into the cam and acceptance complete valve cease for abounding compression. This avant-garde affection added underlines the lengths to which designers and engineers accept formed calm in the committed following of weight-saving.

Ducati’s engineers aswell capitalised on the befalling of the “blank canvas” activity to access dimensionS amid the centres of the six-speed gearbox shafts, enabling beyond diameter, stronger apparatus to address the added ability output. New for a top-of-the-range Ducati Superbike is a “wet”, oil-bath clutch. Based actual carefully on the architecture of the Multistrada and Diavel components, the clamp accumulation appearance a “slipper” activity and a accelerating self-servo apparatus that compresses the abrasion plates if beneath drive from the engine. While acceptable frictional efficiency, this aswell after-effects in a rider-friendly ablaze clamp batten “feel” at the handlebar. Conversely, if the drive force is antipodal (over-run), the apparatus reduces burden on the abrasion plates, enabling a accurate antagonism “slipper” action, abbreviation the destabilizing aftereffect of the rear-end beneath advancing down-shifting and accommodate a abundant smoother activity if closing the burke or down-shifting beneath accustomed benumbed conditions.

The Superquadro is the a lot of able twin-cylinder accumulation engine on the planet and is destined to ability the new Ducati 1199 Panigale.


Public Service Commission sends letter

Post n°173 pubblicato il 09 Ottobre 2011 da guoxianteng

Those are the words of Mississippi Public Service Commissioner Brandon Presley who is calling for abrupt activity from the North Lee County Baptize Affiliation Lath of Directors.

Former North Lee County Lath of Directors Vice President Jimmy Bucy has on his acreage what he estimates to be one of possibly six or added even reversing valve broadcast throughout arctic Lee County.

It was offered to him in the aboriginal 70's afore he became a lath member.

"I went to the lath (then) and told them that I was accommodating to pay for it. I could accumulate up with it by the hour or they could beat it, but they said no added than it is and we charge the even station, just go advanced on with it. That's what we've been doing," Bucy said.

Bucy says the butterfly valve isn't acclimated for a abundant accord of water. They just use it to mix with chemicals to aerosol on crops.

How abundant baptize is acclimated at added even valves is alien because none are metered.

Bucy says decades ago, it became accepted convenance to activity use of a even valve in barter for use of clandestine acreage for the account of the North Lee County Baptize Association.

"We're searching into what the convenance has been in the accomplished on that, but one point is actual clear, that's not a acceptable convenance to have. There should be advantage fabricated to the baptize affiliation for baptize acclimated for whatever purpose it is. This is an affair that needs to be corrected," Public Service Commissioner Brandon Presley said.

A letter from the Public Service Commission calls for abrupt activity from the Lath of Directors to accede with their by-laws and Mississippi law.

It calls for an end to flat-rate accuse to lath associates because they acquisition no almanac acceding that.

In addition, they acquisition no almanac that allows the chargeless use of sanitary valves for an absolute accumulation of water.

Bucy says he affairs to pay a drop and accept a beat placed on the even valve amid on his property.

In accompanying news, Presley says they accept begin unacceptable chlorine levels in seven of ten baptize samples taken Thursday.

Testing will resume Monday.


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