Halloween Night

Canzoni e filastrocche

17 sono le canzoni e filastrocche  di halloween che vi propongo per il vostro party !    Three Little WitchesOne little, two little,Three little witchesFlying over haystacks,Soaring over ditches.One little, two little,Three little witches --Happy Halloween!One little, two little,Three little witchesFlew o'er the fence andTore their britches,Sewed them up withSixty stitches --Happy Halloween!   FIVE LITTLE GHOSTS   Five  little  ghosts, all dressed in white Tried to scare each other on Halloween night “BOO,” said the first ghosts, “I ‘ ll catch you.” “WHOO,” said the second, “I don’ t care if you do.” The third ghost said, “You can’ t run away from me.” The fourth ghost said , “I’ ll scare everyone I see.” The last ghost said, “ It’ s time to disappear.” See you at Halloween night next year.     HalloweenJe suis Robert le verAffreux, visqueux, gluant,J’habite dans un cimetièreAvec des morts vivants :Vampires, squelettes, gargouilles,On est copains, copines.Et le soir d’Halloween,Dans les rues, en patrouilleComme une armée en guerre,Nous sortons nos citrouillesPour conquérir la terre.Parents, parents, ouvrez !Ouvrez votre maisonEt pour nous rassasierJetez-nous des bonbonsDes qu’on suce, des qu’on croque,Des qu’on gobe, des qu’on cloqueJetez-nous tous vos bonbonsParents, contre une chansonNous saurons les ramasser.Les partager, les manger.  In the graveyardIn the graveyard,In the graveyardWhen the moonBegins to shineThere's a doctor,Crazy doctorAnd his monster,FrankensteinOh, my monster,Oh, my monsterOh, my monster,FrankensteinYou are very,Very scaryDon't come near me,Frankenstein   Bye, baby bumpkinBye, baby bumpkin,Where's Tony Lumpkin?My lady's on her death-bed,With eating half a pumpkin   Black ShadowsThe night is dark, the wind is high,Now the Black Shadows come creeping by!Making a strange, dreadful moaning cry!Ooooooo! Ooooooo!Ooooooo! Ooooooo!Ooooooo!A witch, perhaps, will pull your hair,Maybe a ghost will give you a scare!But of the Shadows you must beware!Ooooooo! Ooooooo!Ooooooo! Ooooooo!Ooooooo!A Jack-o'Lantern stares at you,Around the corner, you hear a "Boo!"Will those Black Shadows come after you?Ooooooo! Ooooooo!Ooooooo! Ooooooo!Ooooooo!Now if a Shadow deep and black,Should try to grab you and then attack,You must run quickly, and don't look back!Ooooooo! Ooooooo!Ooooooo! Ooooooo!Ooooooo!The night is dark, the wind is high,Now the Black Shadows come creeping by!Making a strange, dreadful moaning cry!Ooooooo! Ooooooo!Ooooooo! Ooooooo!BOOOOOO!  Dark Hallowe'en'Twas very dark on Hallowe'en,With not a speck of light;The clouds had just passed o'er the moon,And silent was the night.The clouds had just passed o'er the moon,And silent was the night.We waited in a lonely groveAnd then a ghost went by;We were too scared to run away,And much too old to cry;We were too scared to run away,And much too old to cry.It had a wide and flaming mouth,Its eyes were glowing too;If you had seen it, I am sure,It would have frightened you!If you had seen it, I am sure,It would have frightened you!But then the glowing light went dim,And ev'rybody saidThat it was only ChristopherWith such a pumpkin head!That it was only Christopher,With such a pumpkin head  Funny Hallowe'enHallowe'en! Hallowe'en!Oh, what funny things are seen!Witches' hats, coal black cats,Broomstick riders, bats and rats!Hallowe'en! Hallowe'en!Jack-o-Lanterns light the scene.Costumes queer, shrieks of fear,Strangest night in all the year! GhostiesThe woman stood at the churchyard door,Woo-oo-oo-oo, Woo-oo-oo,She had not been there before,Woo-oo-oo-oo, Woo-oo-oo,Six ghoulish ghosties floated by,Woo-oo-oo-oo, Woo-oo-oo,They scared the woman and made her cry,Woo-oo-oo-oo, Woo-oo-oo,The woman to the ghosties said,Woo-oo-oo-oo, Woo-oo-oo,"Will I be like you when I am dead?"Woo-oo-oo-oo, Woo-oo-oo,The ghosties to the woman said,"Yaaaaaaaaa!"  Hallowe'en is coming soonHallowe'en is coming soon,Pumpkins we must buy.Make a Jack-o'Lantern,Bake a pumpkin pie.Hallowe'en is coming soon,Feel it in the air.Witches ride on broomsticks,Ghosts hide ev'rywhere.Hallowe'en is coming soon,Goblins chasing you!As you round the corner,One of them says, "Boo!" Hallowe'en NightWhen autumn comesAnd the days of crisp OctoberThen comes a nightWeird things are seen;Witches on broomsticks,And glowing Jack-o'lanterns,Peer through the windows --Hallowe'en!Then boys and girlsGather round the fire a-glowing,Faces are paintedBright blue and greenApples are bobbing,And gypsies telling fortunes,Fun and myst'ry,Hallowe'en! It's Hallowe'enIt's Hallowe'en,The lamp is lit,And 'round the fireIs where we sit,A-telling ghost talesBit by bit,'Til somebody says "Shhhhhhh!"What's that a-peeping'Round the kitchen door?What's that a-creeping'Cross the bedroom floor?  Jack-O-Lanterns We! See us fiercely stare at you,Flash our eyes of fiery hue;Jack-o-lanterns we!Our mouths are grinning widely so,And ghostly bright our faces glow.Boo-oo-oo!Baked in pies we're very nice,Everyone will have a slice;Jack-o-lanterns we!But if they see us out at nightThey're sure to have an awful fright.Boo-oo-oo! October brings us Hallowe'enOctober brings us Hallowe'en,A spooky time, it's true,When Jack-O'Lantern's flaming eyesSeem like they're watching you!The black cat's howling at the moon,A witch goes flying by;And in the distance you can hearA goblin's mournful cry.October brings us Hallowe'en,A spooky time, it's true,Be careful or, before you know,A ghost will scare you... BOO! On Hallowe'enWitches on broomsticksRide the air;Ghosts could be lurkingAnywhere;You say you are brave andDo not care,But on Hallowe'en,My friend, beware  The Pumpkin I'm Saving For MeOh, out in the gardenFour pumpkins I found;They were bright orange pumpkinsThat lay on the ground.I gave away three,But now as you see,The pumpkin that's leftI am saving for me.I'll carve out a mouth,And a nose and two eyes.And when you come to visitYou'll have a surprise;Perched high on the wall,(I hope it won't fall!)You'll see that my pumpkin'sThe best one of all. We're the Jack-O'LanternsUp and down the cornfield,Goblins you will see.Creatures with the strangest eyesYou will try to flee!We're the Jack-o'Lanterns!Fiercest ever seen!We don't careWho we scareOn dark Hallowe'en!And when in our cornfieldLittle friends we see,Then we chuckle with delight,Pleased as we can be!For we know we'll nab themIn a hurried flight!