
How to identify LV bag authenticity

Buy replica handbags not only there is clearly indirect support illegal drugs, the sex trade and the suspicion of child labor, is also a bad investment.According to the International counterfeit league (International preview Counterfeiting Coalition, said the fraud is a $600 billion industry, occupy 7% share of global trade.Some luxury products supplier think someone generic their products for your compliment, but other brand but not feel so happy. Fendi just in burlington Coat Factory (Berlington Coat Factory) of the prosecution's case-the latter won $10.05 million in compensation has been selling replica fendi handbags. Louis Vuitton is sued eBay and Google sell fake. However, is to resort to the law, and not about loss of sales, but for brand protection, Louis vuitton President eve card sailor (Yves Carcelle) so said."The problem is that harm the imitation of your brand image," card sailor said. "we do all the survey show that brand lovers always possible in a day to see someone carrying a ugly replicas and say, 'I have already no longer like them. They rebelled against me." Buy fake not only there is clearly indirect support illegal drugs, the sex trade and the suspicion of child labor, is also a bad investment-these are cheap cost of making handbag, often with a season after will damage, or even an unexpected situation cannot continue to use. Want to affordable price bought second-hand LV bag? The following are some of the points that replica Louis Vuitton bags:• if the handle in juncture place of camel's hair the color is not red.• if no LV zipper logo or sign.• if handbag on the printed letters "O" is an oval. Louis Vuitton handbags folds of the letter "O" is nearly perfect circle.• if the stitching the handbag each asymmetric, or LV logo in juncture place be truncated lazio.• if part of the handbag is lined with small sheep-not all of the handbag is so• if suitcases or handbag surface is not in five LV standard text design illuminative interwoven: grey Trianon canvas (1854 patented), red and cream-colored vertical stripes canvas (1872), cream-colored and deep cream-colored stripe canvas (1876), the checkerboard grain canvas (1888), and in weaving words canvas (overlapping LV words, diamond shape, four, which in 1896 patented). If it is other design, will not quality goods. • if handbags stitching not neat or irregular. LV handbags stitching all are very accurate, level off. The handle on each a tag line and handbag on the other side of the stitching corresponding number is equal. If need to count-if a handle on top with five stitching, then another handle the same position stitching is five.The most important is, to use your common sense. These are all very expensive handbags--so their appearance should also such. Looks cheap cortex (or plastic cortex), neither soft also not wear-resisting, loose stitching, faded in line-these are fake signs.