Hideto no Sekai

Post N° 12

L: Where is the White Rabbit?H: Dead.L: How?H: Killed.L: Who killed him?H: Me.L: You cruel! How did you kill him?H: I stabbed him.L: Why? He made nothing wrong!H: Because there is no more time.L: What "time" are you talking about? Maybe the end of the world?H: Maybe.L: What the hell! Be more precise! What kind of time? What kind of world?H: You still don't understand. You're too young.L: I am not a little child, I have a brain, and a Heart, so, be more precise!H: Ok.L: ...H: ...L: Well?H: This is the end of our time, and of our world.L: Our?H: Yes.L: What kind of "our"?H: Are you blind? Are you stupid? Are you idiot? No. You are young. This is the end of our story, I don't want to see your face another time.L: Wh..wh..what?? And what should I do now?H: Open that Door.L: Why?H: I said, open that Door.L:...okH: Good. Now, leave and don't come back.L: Are you joking?H: Never been so serious.L: I still don't believe it!H: I don't matter. Go away.L: I can't imagine my life without...H: ...go away.L: You are my love, my sun, my only rea...H: ...go away.L: my life, my precious, my dear lo...H: GO AWAY!L: Ok...good bye.