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Prize-giving cheap nike air max shake evolve  ceremony of the just-concluded, all set off Bayern Munich players soon left the stadium returned to Munich. When it comes to this fiasco, is famous for its fiery-tempered Effenberg said: "if I were a Bayern Munich player, I may vomit. Hear fans celebrates sound, I really wanted to pinch his neck. "When it comes to Bayern players on the field," Tiger, "Effenberg said:" it's Bayern Munich too disappointing, they kongyou ideas, but can't do it! ”According to the media reports, is derived from Samir brokers had 11th to China this month. It is clear that Samir brokers not to travel in China, but for the transfer of AHMED, Samir. "Now the League has become a place where a lot of players eager to rush, Samir may also want to go to the bar. "The report says. "As we all know, China team is the quest for national stars around, is to raise the level of National League. Samir even though visibility is not very high, but it has a wealth of experience, including the Champions League. Isla's agent wageji said, "we will talks the willingness and Juventus Players Club, and understand the situation facing Isla, we will make a decision in late August. With regard to inter rumours, at present, I have not yet announced the exact message you can. Isla is currently cheap crazy light 2.0 preparing for Chile on the Iraq national team games, after when he returns to the Club, we will prepare for his future. ”