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Dortmund has nike kobe 6 for sale  made two consecutive League and Bayern Munich have made five consecutive victories, there have been concerns about the domestic dominance of Bayern Munich received a threat, said: "I think the rise is a good thing, it's good for the League, because of competition in order to promote development. However, I think Bayern is still the Bundesliga's top dog. First Dortmund needed more in the international arena to force; the second Bayern's financial level far exceeds Dortmund over Germany any one team. Bayern's financial advantage in ten years nobody! ” AFC Champions League group stage for the 2012 season will be the last round of fighting. Top 5 contest after the end of the round, only 7 teams lead to breakthrough award, so the final round of the Asian giants of the game, and will inevitably become a can be one of the knockout stages of the battle of life and death. Racing Qian, FIFA in its official website on this round Asia Crown League for has prospect, will Wu in South Wing home and Guangzhou constant large of competition as this round competition of focus battle, and had in Tianhe Sports field let in the Super champion eat do burned of changwat buriram team Cameroon striker Frank-aohandezha is is considered can led Thailand champion beat Guangzhou constant large overwrite Asia Crown history of "key players" Stoke chased forward Mamer-bilamu-Diouf has made breakthrough progress in the process, they are expected to be before the start of the day to sign former nike kobe 8 shoes Manchester United striker in the premiership. Since his arrival in Britannia start, has been chasing Hannover striker Mark Hughes, but Germany didn't want to sell him and even told Stoke City pulled out 17 million pounds. But now the two executives of Stoke City, Tony Scholes and mark Cartwright flew to Germany for in-depth interaction with Hanover, the news that they had finalized a deal.