
Methods to Convert Overdrive WMA to MP3 Simply

 Overdrive WMA audio books use Windows (Including Windows 8) Media DRM to prevent you from enjoying them on incompatible media players just like iPod, or share all of them with family and friends easily. Quite a few people are finding ways to get rid of the troublesome Overdrive DRM protection. How to convert Overdrive protected WMA to MP3 for iPod, PSP, Zune, etc.? What software program need to you utilize?
This guide will introduce you the best to convert Overdrive WMA to MP3.You will discover generally two methods to get rid of DRM from iTunes music and video. The first way, whichwe are going to talk about below, involves the truth that Overdrive WMA will not permit you to convert protected (DRM) music to MP3, but it lets you burn them on a CD/DVD, therefore that's another way of getting the iTunes music and video out of the system.The second approach is making use of application to move away the DRM from the Overdrive WMA.  Method1:Remove DRM Protection from iTunes Music using iTunes CDAs iTunes Music, the preferred option for eliminating DRM-protection from purchased audio is perhaps to burn the files to a CD-R/W after that import them back into your iTunes library. This is a free method guaranteed to free you of DRM madness. But a CD is required. If you've got plenty of iTunes audio, it becomes an pricey way. 1 Make an iTunes playlist using your purchased songs.2 Place a blank CD-R or a CD-RW. CD-RW is very advised if your playlist has a large number of songs3 Burn the playlist to disk.4 Re-import the songs after having a burn.5 Delete the initial purchased tracks.  Method2:Remove DRM making use of DRM RemovalAll you require is Aimersoft best DRM removal, probably the greatest DRM converters. By it, you could eliminate DRM from Overdrive audiobooks and rip Overdrive WMA audiobook to DRM-free MP3 to be able to enjoy them on any kind of MP3 player and portable product. Step 1: Import the Overdrive filesSet up and launch the software program, click the "Add" button on the top left corner of the software interface to add the files through your computer. Or pick out all Overdrive files and drag-and-drop to the application. Step 2: output settingsChoose the .mp3 as the output format from the "Audio files to" drop-down list, for the reason that mp3 format is regarded as the widely used file format and you'll enjoy it on any kind of media product. You can even alter some other output parameters from "Settings" option such as sample rate, bite rate. If you aren't certain exactly what you do, simply make it just as the default value. Step 3: Commence the DRM conversionAs you finished the two steps , hit the "start" button on the lower right corner to commence to convert Overdrive WMA to MP3. What you need to do is waiting for the process until it is completed. Moreover, the time of the the conversion process depend on two factors, one is how big is the Overdrive audiobooks and the other is the effectiveness of your computer.After the conversion is finished, the Overdrive audiobook WMA have been converted to MP3 and with no DRM protection anymore.     Related guide:Protected WMA to MP3                   iTunes to Blackberry 10