Habib Mcclaren blog

We R’ Moms Has a Free, Global–Wide Solution to Help Fight Astronomical Gas Prices

Moms has a free, global-wide solution to help families fight the astronomical gas prices and also help the environment! Whether in Los Angeles or Paris, the tool works because it is used to coordinate carpools with friends. Families are always on-the-go, whether to school or the kids’ sports games, the list of activities never ends – but there’s no need to coordinate getting there alone. The We R’ Moms private, carpooling tool helps organize, coordinate participants and also sends reminders to pick up the kids. GO GREEN! We R' Moms is a social network with purpose.Coto de Caza, California (Vocus/PRWEB) March 27, 2011 has a free solution for that queasy feeling when families see the latest gas prices.Use the We R’ Moms carpooling feature to organize, coordinate participants and send reminders to the drivers.Just as important as ease of use, is the fact that their carpooling tool is private – participating is by invitation only, so trusted friends and families drive the kids to their events.Its’ features uniquely benefit families on-the-go, whether coordinating rides for soccer games, field trips or rides to church.In this day of school budget cuts when the buses have been eliminated – coordinating those safe rides getting to and from school is made easy with this tool!Another benefit – it’s green.We R’ Moms continues its efforts to improve life in the world community by promoting green awareness for families, providing Mom-i-nars (webinars for moms) to help moms learn about topics dear to their hearts and suggest worthy organizations to support.The next two Mom-i-nars offered by We R’ Moms are:“Understand Your Child – Temperament Matters” and “Moms, Put Your Oxygen Masks on 1st! Preserving Moms’ Health.”The Mom-i-nars are interactive and affordable. Timing Conflict? No problem. We R' Moms understands that life happens while you are making other plans. All Mom-i-nars will be recorded and accessible to you 24/7, for the first 7 days after each Mom-i-nar. Listen to it when YOU can. Additionally, if moms want to see a previously recorded Mom-i-nar, they can be accessed in the We R’ Moms Library.Got questions?Contact We R’ Moms at:info(at)wermoms(dot)comHow to Register: Go to: Decide on how many Mom-i-nars you wish to attendEnter those in the text boxClick on the Drop down Paypal button and choose 1, 2, or 3 Mom-i-narsClick on Buy NowMake your Paypal paymentPrior to the Mom-i-nar, you will receive an email with access information.Remember, the recorded Mom-i-nar will be accessible for 7 days following the live Mom-i-nar! is a free moms’ social network whose mission is to help moms get through their busy days. We R’ Moms provides social networking functionality with a purpose – whether arranging a carpool and thereby reducing society’s footprint on the planet, assembling experts to help moms learn about topics that interest them with Mom-i-nars (webinars for moms), or supporting organizations like Second Harvest to feed the hungry, We R’ Moms cares.# # #Penny TeeWe R' Moms714-271-5434Email Informationhttp://uiofravqp.blogmayotte.com/;Smith-Monger | Kiss100 Breakbeat Show (24 january 2004);.http://pumyqifbsa.blogczech.com/;The College Dropout remastered | Kanye West;.http://bcunoemisa.blogswaziland.com/;DJ Hype | Live on Kiss100 (27 march 2005);.http://ysdoebztm.blogethiopia.com/;Cycling EP;.http://onkmuale.blogbolivia.com/;Various Artists;