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Russel Watson - Faith of the Heart (Colonna sonora della serie Star Trek - Enterprise)

Oggi mi sento ottimista riguardo al futuro... come sempre la musica riempe l'aria della mia stanza... Oggi la playlist non č molto lunga, ma serena e rilassante... Adatta al momento, a essere la colonna sonora del cambiamento ma senza timori, senza paure... affrontando il futuro a testa alta.Bč questa canzone direi che č perfetta per il momento. (Probabilmente la conoscete per la Sigla di testa di Star Trek - Enterprise, quella in cui si vedono le immagini di tutte le navi storiche e le astronavi che postano il nome Enterprise, per intenderci)It's been a long road, To get from there to here. It's been a long time, but my time is finally here. And I can feel a change in the wind right now. Nothing's in my way. And they're not gonna hold me down no more. No they're not gonna hold me down. 'Cause I've got faith of the heart. I'm going where my heart will take me. I've got faith to believe. I can do anything. I've got strength of the soul. And no one's going to bend or break me. I can reach any star. I've got faith, I've got faith, Faith of the heart. It's been a long night, Trying to find my way. Been thru the darkness, Now I finally have my day. And I will see my dream come alive at last. I will touch the sky. And they're not gonna hold me down no more. No they're not gonna change my mind. 'Cause I've got faith of the heart. I'm going where my heart will take me. I've got faith to believe. I can do anything. I've got strength of the soul. And no one's going to bend or break me. I can reach any star. I've got faith, Faith of the heart. I know the wind's so cold, I've seen the darkest days. But now the winds I feel, Are only winds of change. I've been thru the fire, And I've been thru the rain, But I'll be fine. 'Cause I've got faith of the heart. I'm going where my heart will take me. I've got faith to believe. I can do anything. I've got strength of the soul. And no one's going to bend or break me. I can reach any star. 'Cause I've got faith, 'Cause I've got faith, Faith of the heart... Faith of the heart. I'm going where my heart will take me. I've got faith to believe. And no one's going to bend or break me. I can reach any star. 'Cause I've got faith, 'Cause I've got faith, Faith of the heart... Russel Watson - Faith of the Heart-Icewolf-