
Spotlight Artist:"Born by Chance"

ENGLISH The band “Born by Chance”, originally known as “Black Tears”, was formed in the summer of 2006 by Fabrizio Ratti (guitar and vocals), Fabio Sozzi (guitar), Federico Colombo (bass), and Giacomo Di Carlo (drums). Numerous influences have converged in their music, creating a unique atmosphere and an excellent musical harmony: their tracks range from rock’n’roll to psychedelic grunge, from melodic to distorted. “Born by chancE” have played live in many venues in and around their home area of Lecco and the province of Milan, proposing tracks written and composed by themselves in their own particular style. The band is currently working on the production of their debut CD “Suicide”. ITALIANO I “Born by Chance”, prima conosciuti come “Black Tears”, nascono nell’estate del 2006 a seguito dell’incontro tra Fabrizio Ratti (voce e chitarra), Fabio Sozzi (chitarra), Federico Colombo (basso), e Giacomo Di Carlo (batteria). Le diverse influenze sono confluite nella loro musica, creando atmosfere particolari e un ottima intesa musicale: i lori pezzi spaziano dal rock’n’roll al grunge psichedelico, da parti melodiche a sonorita' distorte. I Born by chancE hanno suonato in diversi locali della loro zona Lecco, Milano e provincia, proponendo sin dall’inizio i propri pezzi che hanno subito raggiunto una propria entita'. Attualmente la band sta lavorando al fine di registrare il cd dal titolo “Suicide”.
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