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Justice for Betty Dukes and the Women of Wal-Mart?

We, the women of Wal-Mart, will have our day in court,” Betty Dukes told me almost seven years ago, declaiming from a park bench near her lawyer’s office in Berkeley, California. “[Wal-Mart] will answer our charges—that they have treated us unfairly and we deserved better.”Dukes, who still works at Wal-Mart, is the lead plaintiff in…

Google Launches Disco, A Group-Texting Web and... iPhone App?

s iPhone have in common? They're three words one wouldn't normally expect to find combined together, that's for sure. They also now represent Google's latest mobile launch: a group-texting service that allows one to mass-message one's friends from a mobile phone or Web interface. Disco, in this case, refers to the service created by Google's…

Amazon faces backlash over "music locker" service

A new Amazon.com Inc service that lets customers store songs and play them on a variety of phones and computers is facing a backlash from the music industry that could ignite a legal battle.Amazon's Cloud Drive, announced on Tuesday, allows customers to store about 1,000 songs on the company's Web servers for free instead of…

Rescued cow, 'Molly B,' arrives at new Mont. home

STEVENSVILLE, Mont. – A cow that avoided slaughter five years ago by famously jumping a slaughterhouse gate and leading officials on a chase finally has a new home in Montana.The cow is called the "Unsinkable Molly B" because her 2006 escape included a swim in the Missouri River. She was recently rescued from an overcrowded…

Chicago Suffers 7 Percent Population Drop as More Flock to Suburbs

CHICAGO -- The most recent census results have shownby about 200,000 people, or 6.9 percent. The sudden drop was much larger than predicted by pre-census estimates. The number of residents is what helps the city bring in money, and with such a large decrease, Chicago could see significantly less funds for a variety of different…

Hewitt ousts Lu while Briton Watson makes last eight

MEMPHIS, Tennessee (AFP) – Australian Lleyton Hewitt ousted Taiwan seventh seed Yen-Hsun Lu 6-4, 7-6 (7/3) on Wednesday to reach the second round of a 1.32 million-dollar ATP and WTA indoor tournament.The Aussie veteran booked a date with Frenchman Adrian Mannarino on Thursday for a berth in the quarter-finals opposite either Serbia's Janko Tipsarevic or…

SkillSurvey® Welcomes Orange Regional Medical Center as Client

Hospital Adopts Best-Practice Approach to Checking ReferencesWayne, PA (Vocus/PRWEB) February 16, 2011 , the inventor and leading-provider of Web 2.0 reference-assessment solutions, has announced thatis now a subscriber to .The 450-bed institution with campuses in Middletown, New York and Goshen, New York, is using Pre-Hire 360® to assess its candidates prior to the in-person employment…

Chrysler's 'embarrassing' decision to spend $9 million on a Super Bowl ad

New York – Many critics were inspired by the car company's two-minute defense of Detroit. Others argue that the price is inappropriately high for a company in debtChrysler broadcast an epic two-minute commercial during the Super Bowl that was less a traditional car ad than a tribute to Detroit. (See video below.) The commercial —…

Cantor: Eliminating taxpayer funding for abortions top of the agenda

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor told those gathered at a pro-life rally in Washington, D.C. that ending taxpayer funding for abortion was at the “top of the agenda” for the new Republican majority in the House.Tens of thousands of Americans from across the country — many young, some old — braved the cold, sub-freezing temperatures…

Extra calcium, vitamin D no bone booster for men

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Taking extra vitamin D and calcium doesn't seem to prevent bone-thinning in older men, according to Australian researchers.However, exercise did boost bone mineral density, a proxy for bone strength, their report shows.Despite the findings, people still need to get enough calcium and vitamin D to reduce the risk of osteoporosis,…

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