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FIRST LOOK: TSA exploring ‘G-rated’ body scanner

Welcome to First Look, a daily roundup of early-bird news and a preview of what's to come:o In a global survey of children in poverty, kids stressed the importance of education. ()o Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke hits back at critics of his stimulus tactics. ()o The Transportation Safety Administration is exploring a more G-rated body scanner that would just show a "stick figure" image. ()o Some shoppers don't care that their reusable bags may have dangerous levels of lead. ()o China may adopt a cap and trade system to cut emissions. ()o The poverty rate in the United States is at its highest level in 50 years. ()o Twenty-seven workers are missing after a mine exploded in New Zealand. ()o Congress failed to extend jobless benefits to the unemployed yesterday, even as it appears increasingly likely lawmakers will extend tax cuts for the nation's wealthiest families. ()Have something you'd like to see in our daily First Look post? Cassanova music downloads.Dark Side of the Moon mp3 songs download.Phonograph download.Fairy World 4 mp3 songs download.Les Beaux Gosses Seclatent download