
Making Best Use of Essential Bodybuilding Supplements

Summary: Essential bodybuilding supplements are to be used under professional guidance. They are very much needed for optimum results. Bodybuilding is an art and the supplements are a must for a obtaining the perfect body. The most essential food additives are proteins, green supplements, carbohydrates, fish oil capsules and finally creatinine.  Usually, when a newbie begins to train for the first time, he/she is extremely enthusiastic. Impatience accompanies enthusiasm. These beginners want immediate results and look for various supplements to achieve their goals faster. They are always in a state of confusion as to whose advice to follow with regard to essential bodybuilding supplements. There are of course many products out in the market selling various combinations of supplementing nutrition. The fact remains that supplements are to be taken under expert supervision. Most of them are useless if taken inappropriately. Some of them are for advanced workouts and used primarily by professional bodybuilders. Beginners should not take them.  A beginner should follow a list of Top 10 bodybuilding supplements. Protein is of primary importance. Protein has emerged as the number one additive. Additional protein definitely leads to a greater improvement in muscle mass and strength. Drinking a quickly digesting protein shake immediately before or after the training session helps your workout to bear better and faster results. A high protein diet will surely help you shed some amount of fat. People have reported a better ‘feeling’ when they supplement their workouts with protein drinks. The two major types of protein are whey and casein. Whey protein is digested quickly while casein digests relatively slowly. Some fitness experts opine that taking the protein supplement before training may bear better results than when taken after a workout. It should be noted that this is not a complete replacement for high-quality protein food sources. Greens are also a noteworthy supplement. This is important to reduce the negative effects of a diet lacking in vegetables and fruits. It can only reduce but not replace the damage caused by intake of regular fruits and vegetables. Besides the additional vitamins, these supplements help to neutralize blood pH that can turn acidic if you are consuming lots of protein. The next important supplements are fish oils capsules. This is taken by non-training commoners as well. Enhanced immunity is synonymous with these capsules. The anti-inflammatory effects of fish oil are well known for ages. They also greatly aid fat loss and hence quite important for bodybuilding.  The next surprising supplements are carbohydrates. Many people out of ignorance leave out carbs from their diet. This is incorrect. It is extremely important for protein synthesis. Carbs also facilitate the re-synthesis of glycogen. These are basic requirements that aid building of muscle, replenish lost energy and support quicker recovery post workout sessions. Consuming a simple carbohydrate drink is very important for bodybuilders who train at high intensities. People who need to add bulk to their muscles need carbs.  Hence the notion that bodybuilders should avoid carbs is not true. Creatine comes fifth on the list.  It is probably the only supplement to have undergone most number of scientific studies when compared to others. The common outcome of these studies is that creatine supplements lead to better muscle growth.  The science of bodybuilding is generally a combination of various factors such as types of workout. Some supplements go well with cardio workouts whereas others are to be significantly increased for weight training. For instance some fitness experts do not advise intake of carbs on days when you perform cardio but they are needed on days wherein you do heavy weight training. Essential bodybuilding supplements are best taken after consultation with at least 3 different healthcare experts. It is extremely dangerous to take them without expert supervision. As mentioned above all these five super food supplements should be taken at the right time and the right quantity should be consumed else it could pose serious health risks.