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The Real World: D.C. house to become museum

document and expose the Laogai, China’s vast andbrutal system of forced labor prison camps”, according to the tourist attraction’s website. In Chinese, “Laogai” roughly translates to “reform through labor.” The museum currently focuses on China’s forced labor prisons and political prisoners.“There was some pretty outrageous wallpaper that might have been left over from The Real World that had to go,” Lisa, a Laogai Museum program administrator, told D.C. Curbed. “But it was pretty bare bones when construction started.”The brick house served many purposes before turning into a nook for The Real World. According to the , the residence had previously been a lesbian bar, a Blockbuster video, an Ethiopian restaurant, and a church, so transitioning into a museum probably won’t be too much of a stretch.Read more stories from The Daily Caller DHT featuring Edmee .Jadur Madur | The Dreamtree Project .Chab | My Memory .Lorenzo Benotto - Ibiza Crash .Panoptikum - Das Ich