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Ala. lab is 1st defense for radiation from Japan

At a government laboratory in Alabama, workers in blue coats unload envelopes packed with small filters that trapped air particles in Hawaii, Alaska and elsewhere. The discs are placed in lead-lined, barrel-like devices for testing to make sure no traces of radioactive materials have wafted across the Pacific Ocean from Japan.So far, the sea breeze…

J-Lo at Obama Super Bowl Party

WASHINGTON (AFP) – Actress and music diva Jennifer Lopez will top the bill at US President Barack Obama's annual Super Bowl party on Sunday, as the Green Bay Packers take on the Pittsburgh Steelers for the NFL championship.J-Lo will be joined by husband Marc Anthony at the White House party, also featuring top officials including…

Media-X Brings Collaborative Learning to the iPad

New eStudent® program, built for Apple iPad, is now available for demo and feedback from users.Ottawa, Ontario (Vocus/PRWEB) January 28, 2011 is excited to announce the pre-release of eStudent® for iPad.“For years, the emphasis has been on getting mobile devices out of the classroom, however we are seeing a surging demand for tools that can…

London is Newest Chapter of Les Dames d’Escoffier International

Les Dames d’Escoffier International (LDEI) welcomes London as the 28th chapter of this one-of-a-kind international philanthropic society of professional women leaders in the fields of food, fine beverage and hospitality.Chicago, IL (PRWEB) December 2, 2010 Les Dames d’Escoffier International (LDEI) welcomes London as the 28th chapter of this one-of-a-kind international philanthropic society of professional women…

Quebec targets balanced budget by 2013-14

TORONTO (Reuters) – The Quebec government said on Thursday it has cut its deficit by a greater than expected C$1.1 billion ($1.1 billion) this year, and expects to achieve a balanced budget within three years.The Liberal government of the predominantly French-speaking Canadian province said its budget shortfall for the 2009-10 fiscal year, ended March 31,…

Rude Royal: WikiLeaks Reveals Prince Andrew's Undiplomatic Remarks

Prince Andrew, Duke of York, fourth in line to the British throne and special U.K. representative for international trade, apparently does not have a very high opinion of some foreigners - not to mention certain journalists. So it is with an overwhelming sense of irony that the same reporters he has allegedly accused of "poking…

Bitter cold kills 8, hits air traffic in Europe

GENEVA – Heavy snow and subzero temperatures swept across Europe, killing at least eight homeless people in Poland, closing major airports in Britain and Switzerland, and causing delays to rail and road traffic across the continent.In addition to Gatwick, one of Britain's busiest airports, and Geneva, Switzerland's second biggest one, Edinburgh airport in Scotland and…

US sweet potato farmers look to Europe for growth

RALEIGH, N.C. – The humble sweet potato — a staple in Southern cuisine and perennial favorite on Thanksgiving dinner tables — is suddenly looking a lot more cosmopolitan.With U.S. consumption growing slowly, farmers have found a market for the vitamin-packed, cholesterol-free sweet potato on the tables of health-conscious Europeans. Between 2005 and 2009, the value…

At the Heart of Haiti's Cholera Riots, Anger at the U.N.

Pieces of rubble flew through the air as angry protesters marched through the streets of Port-au-Prince, holding up signs, "Down with MINUSTAH." They were protesting against the United Nation's stabilization mission in Haiti (whose French acronym is MINUSTAH), blaming the U.N. for the cholera epidemic sweeping through the populace. About 1,200 Haitians have already died…

FINAL LOOK: Judge denies motion to block Tennessee mosque construction

Here's our roster of stories that managed to evade the full-on blog treatment:o A judge has denied a motion to stop a Tennessee county from issuing permits for the construction of a mosque. ()o Frustration over Bristol Palin's success on "Dancing With the Stars" inspired a Wisconsin man to shoot his television. ()o Investigators in…

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