Desire has no rest

After the Indians

Columbus spoke with dignity and simplicity which commandedrespect, while all listened with sympathy. He showed some of the treasureshe had brought, and spoke with certainty of the discoveries which hadbeen made, as only precursors of those yet to come. When his shortnarrative was ended, all the company knelt and united in chanting the "TeDeum," "We Praise Thee, O God." Las Casas, describing the joy and hopeof that occasion says, "it seems as if they had a foretaste of the joys ofparadise."It would seem as if those whose duty it is to prepare fit celebrations ofthe periods of the great discovery, could hardly do better than to produceon the twenty-fourth of April, 1893, a reproduction of the solemn pageantin which, in Barcelona, four centuries before, the Spanish courtcommemorated the great discovery.