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5 Super Bowl ads everyone is talking about

New York – From a Chrysler hit to a Groupon misfire, these commercials proved their power to trigger discussion — even after the game was overMany of this year's crop of Super Bowl ads were . But that did little to stem the interest and analysis that certain commercials provoked both during and after the most important advertising day of the year. From the clever to the cringeworthy, here are five commercials people are still talking about:1. Chrysler's "Made in Detroit"The ad: In this inspirational two-minute spot for Chrysler's revamped 200 model, rapper Eminem, underscored by his hit "Lose Yourself," drives around his home city of Detroit while a gruff narrator asks "What does a city that's been to hell and back know about luxury?" The narrator — and Eminem — suggest that the blue-collar bona fides of resilient Detroiters herald a comeback for the hard luck city.The reaction: This ad "wasn't so much apromotion for a new model," ; "it was an editorialin defense of abeleaguered Detroit." Chrysler is hearkening back to a time when "America wasabout making things  — real, hulkingtangible pieces of machinery." And even though Chrysler hasn't always made great cars, ,the spell cast by the Super Bowl's best ad was so "mesmerizing" it"left me pumpingmy fist and pledging to buy American everything."In Cold Shivering Silence .EP .P3klub (24 november 2006) .Self Titled .The Lurker