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Marbury have not turned out well for this fight, but rather were opponents in the first two games were deadlocked  air jordan for sale  feiba survived several crucial shots amazing, plus the decisive three points of Zhang Zongxian, final section of the first two sections behind the Sichuan team achieve the go-ahead, and finally achieved a victory. In last night's game, for example, Beijing team many attacking options are debatable, the winner team chose air jordan 13 for sale the outside shot too much, which is the team on offense and lack of means of expression. Playing away from home, shooting alone is not going to work, vote of no dead shot. Suspended on several occasions, I have always stressed take a breakthrough towards attacking the basket is complete, or manufacture anti-personnel, but implementation has not worked very well. "An Aztec to dissatisfaction with the performance of the team after the game. This season, Hu xuefeng, who is also the Manager of the business and the position of point guard, despite the heavy pressure in the body, plagued by injuries, but "big brother" is still in good condition, the teams General mengda half-jokingly said: big brother playing gets very hard, looked nothing like more than 30 years. Fortunately is that although Beijing currently issues a lot, but at least the regular season still two rounds left, the Beijing team and the opportunity to turn around. Schedule shows the next two Beijing teams will start in the home game against Fujian and then road challenge in Shanghai and Dongguan first road challenge guangsha, vs Guangdong. Both teams did not win anyone's grasp, if Beijing team two straight WINS, still have a chance to contend for the third.