
Ardeche: karen millen a man in custody for sexual assault of girl camping

A man was taken Karen Millen Outlet into custody Friday evening August 10 at Privas, suspected of being the perpetrator of the sexual assault of a 11 year old girl on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday in a campground Ardèche, said prosecutors, confirming a report on Europe 1. This 32 year old man was arrested that evening at his home in this department and placed in custody at police headquarters in Privas, Karen Millen Sale said the Deputy Public Prosecutor, Franck Alzingre. The man is suspected of rape and sexual assault of a minor, said Mr. Alzingre Moreover, prosecutors said Friday they had seized as a single sexual assault proved a little girl in a camping Ardeche, not three, as suggested by an information RTL broadcast Thursday . Thanks to the medical findings, http://www.karenmillen-storeuk.com it has been objectified sexual assault of a 11 year old girl on the night of August 7 to 8 in a campsite in Saint-Didier-by-Aubenas, but there is no other sexual assault proved, said Mr. Alzingre during a press conference. According to the magistrate, currently, Karen Millen Dresses no link is established with other business and we are not ruling out any line of work. The deputy prosecutor declined to elaborate further on other attempts that would have occurred in the region, yet revealed in the press. OVER 50 MEMBERS ON THE RECORD Mr. Alzingre recalled how, karen millen on the night of Aug. 7 at the campsite of Saint-Didier-by-Aubenas, a man broke into a tent occupied by two children and had assaulted one of them , a French citizen, age 11 . The attacker was put to flight by the screams of two girls and unfortunately to date the abuser is not identified, he said. Thanks to the statements of girls, karen millen dresses a composite picture could be established and is being worked by Investigation Services. This sketch was broadcast nationally with all the forces of gendarmerie and police, he said. The prosecution appealed to the research section of Grenoble, assisted by all the policemen of the Ardèche, karen millen outlet or at any 50 soldiers involved in this matter. A dog team [aided by dogs] is also available, he finally added the deputy prosecutor.