
Qatar calls for Karen Millen Dresses military intervention in Syria Arab

Qatar has called on Tuesday 25 September, http://www.karenmillen-storeuk.com the General Assembly of the UN military intervention in Syria Arab countries to end what Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has called regional disaster with global implications. Noting Karen Millen Outlet that all means were employed (...) in vain, the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, called for Arab countries involved themselves in accordance with their national duties, humanitarian , political and military do what it takes to put an Karen Millen Sale end to the bloodshed in Syria. Qatar, which supports the opposition Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, refers to a previous, the decisive intervention by the Arab League in Lebanon in 1976 to try to put an end to the Lebanese civil war. Arab deterrent force of 30,000 men - composed mostly of Syrian troops - Karen Millen Dresses had been sent to Lebanon in October 1976. Secretary General of the UN has in turn called for a Security Council action to end the violence that left more than 29,000 dead in 18 months. This is a serious and growing threat to international peace and security which demands the attention of the Security Council, he said, calling for support for the Karen Millen Outlet efforts of the mediator Lakhdar Brahimi. Syrian folder is blocked in the Security Council due to opposition from China and Russia, faithful allies of the Syrian regime of sanctions against Damascus. These countries have blocked three times resolutions. We must put an end to violence and the flow of arms to both sides and implement as soon as possible a transition led by the Syrians themselves, said Mr. Ban. In total, Tuesday, 114 people, Karen Millen Dresses including 61 civilians, were killed across the country, according to the OSDH. Hundred and sixteen people were killed yesterday, including 12 children. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has called on Iraq to stop Iranian aircraft flying over its territory to Syria, Washington suspecting Karen Millen Sale that these devices are carrying weapons to the regime in Damascus. In early September, the United States had already claimed their ally Iraq that makes land and search planes from Iran and destined for Syria through Iraqi airspace. U.S. Senators had expressed concern that these devices are loaded arms to the Syrian regime. Vice President of the United States Joe Biden even called these days to Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to insist on this point