
The karen millen government is preparing a bill against terrorism jihadist French apprentices

Six months after the http://www.karenmillenshoppinguk.com killing of Mohamed Merah in Toulouse and its region, the Council of Ministers will examine the end of September, an anti-terrorism bill, the French citizens to train in jihad in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Through the Internet, through movements in countries like Afghanistan or Pakistan, Karen Millen Sale there are young people in our own neighborhoods who may be affected by this ideology of hatred, warned France 2 Manuel Valls, the Minister of the Interior. This text will judge in France, on their return, the French engaged in acts of terrorism abroad or go abroad, particularly in rural Afghanistan and Pakistan, to train for terrorism in camps training in order to return to France, said a source familiar with the matter. While Karen Millen the criminalization of conspiracy in relation with a terrorist enterprise offers a wide latitude of action, some passed between the cracks, says one. This provision is the same logic that allows for the prosecution and trial in France French nationals who have committed acts of pedophilia across borders. If they now seem fewer services estimate that tens of French visited the tribal areas bordering between Afghanistan and Pakistan to fight or train for jihad. This Karen Millen Dresses was particularly the case of the killer scooter, Mohamed Merah that 11, 15 and 19 March in Toulouse and Montauban, on behalf of Al-Qaeda had killed three paratroopers and three children and a father in a Jewish school. Intelligence services were aware of his travels. He had even been debriefed in November 2011 in Toulouse karen millen antenna of the Central Directorate of Internal Intelligence (DCRI) on his return from Pakistan. But Interior Minister Claude Gueant at the time explained that no tort could not a priori be accused before his crimes. In France, we do not defer to the people for justice intentions to Salafi ideas. You can not stop the people to the facts, Mr Gueant had argued. In the wake of the killings of Toulouse and Montauban, karen millen dresses the previous majority had also prepared a similar philosophy to the text. It also provided the opportunity to pursue any person who will consult as usual, without legitimate reason, websites inciting terrorism and making an apology. This Act apprentices jihadists, this is what was missing in the legal, said a specialist police anti-terrorism. Now go out there is not an offense in itself, not even a parking ticket. Here, we will act, even if it will prove that they went there to train there. Manuel Valls asked for a report on failures of the case Merah report must be returned at the end of the month. Its objective is to improve intelligence on radical groups around the jihadists, karen millen outlet said the minister's entourage. The other major aspect of the text concerns an administrative surveillance data connection (Internet, geolocation, itemized phone). Since 2005, this may be monitored within an administrative framework, as a preventive measure. But this provision regularly renewed, was temporary and expired on 31 December, it was explained.