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Colombia Prom dresses expects negotiations with the FARC

Post n°3 pubblicato il 29 Settembre 2012 da karenmillen281

The peace negotiations Karen Millen Outlet between the Colombian government and the guerrillas of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC far left) generate an immense hope, the measure of a protracted conflict which began half a century. According to the official that identifies victims to repair, the Colombian conflict has claimed more than 5 million people, including 600,000 killed. According to a progress report, provisional, which Karen Millen Dresses has been published in Bogota, 40% of victims (2 million) is attributable to the guerrillas and 25% (1.2 million) to the right-wing paramilitaries. For the first time, considering the FARC to renounce armed struggle and accept the prospect of disarmament, while renouncing the seizure of power or sharing power. Why? The FARC have been hit in the head. While their historical leader, Manuel Marulanda, known as Tirofijo, died of old age, several guerrilla leaders were killed by security forces. The Karen Millen Dress collective functioning of the Secretariat (the FARC leadership) and communications between their fronts have been compromised. Their ability to conduct large-scale operations has disappeared, their fighters had to retreat to outlying areas. Desertion took considerable proportions, despite the numerous executions of guerrillas suspected of weakness by their own comrades. At the time of dialogue with Karen Millen Sale the government of President Andrés Pastrana in the demilitarized zone Caguan (1999-2002), the FARC enjoyed some sympathy. This liberated zone had become a circus, where everyone rushed to get their picture taken. A lost opportunity, while both parties accumulated forces to resume fighting. Today the situation is different. Hostage-taking, kidnapping against ransom, extortion, collusion with drug trafficking, terrorism, forced recruitment, including of minor, isolated FARC. The opinion is now completely hostile to the guerrillas, whose political capital has melted. Colombians want peace. The balance of forces is favorable to the government of Bogota, which is able to extend the presence of the state throughout. There is more municipality where the guerrillas reign supreme. It is the military and political weakness that forced the FARC leadership to seek negotiations. The strength of the guerrillas were reduced by half in ten years. Although she keeps a nuisance capacity, it is on the defensive, with low mobility, unable to penetrate beyond its entrenched camps. The FARC leadership has a Stalinist ideological training, Prom dresses with many executives trained by the Soviet Union or Eastern Europe. It is not a coincidence that their current leader took as nom de guerre Tymoshenko. In the shelter of the changing world, this group sectarianism even congenital seceded from the Colombian Communist Party, which he came, and invented a rump supposed to embody orthodoxy. Only battering government forces have forced the Secretariat to consider a negotiated outcome. In addition, these leaders knew they would soon be facing the International Criminal Court, thereby reducing margins negotiated with Bogota. A regional context unfavorable to the guerrilla Along with the internal development in Colombia, the regional context has changed in a direction unfavorable to the guerrillas. The indulgences enjoyed by FARC in Venezuela and Ecuador have been thwarted by a combination of firmness and diplomacy from Bogota. President Juan Manuel Santos has managed to put his country at the heart of regional politics, overcoming the isolation of his predecessor, Alvaro Uribe. The signing of a General Agreement for the end of conflict and the construction of a stable and lasting peace, August 26 in Havana, attended by representatives of Cuba and Norway, is the result of a first kept secret negotiation by both parties, the FARC and the Colombian government since February 2012. This agreement sets the rules of conversation. The second phase of the negotiations will be launched in Oslo, October 8, and continued in Cuba, far from the cameras and without a cease-fire first on the ground. The difficulties of demobilization, Karen Millen Dress disarmament and reintegration of guerillas are considerable, as shown by the previous dismantling of paramilitary right-wing. Negotiation will not be saving mechanisms of truth and justice to the victims of the guerrillas. Bogota took the lead, with the law on victims and the restitution of land passed in 2011, which provides for repairs. Colombia has also adopted a framework law for the peace, in June 2012, during secret negotiations. FARC leaders have beautiful present themselves as victims of armed conflict, they are the victimizers and will be accountable to society. Lasting peace is the price.

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karen millen dress must change software intellectual!

Post n°2 pubblicato il 15 Settembre 2012 da karenmillen281

Comfortably Elected in 2007 on a promise to break, Karen Millen Outlet right lost in 2012 not to have done. Today it is not only truly break with the old recipes that have dug his grave, but also, and before that with its software intellectual. In terms of intellectual references, Karen Millen Dresses the right must, first, be reconciled with the confidence in the individual. Sarkozyism, which is an ultra-constructivism, a sin surinterventionnisme. In this he was certainly unquestionably right. But not a modern right: the reactionary right, heiress of Louis de Bonald and Joseph de Maistre, defiant against the freedom and confidence in a king guardian of a people incapable of governing itself. And it was also incredibly left. This old socialism, obsessed by the mirage of social justice, unfortunately convinced that the revival, which has made plans, is necessarily Keynesian demand fed through public funds. The result is known: The private debt bubble bubble turned into public debt, taxation increased, Karen Millen Dress effort and innovation have therefore been penalized, growth is off the ch? mage has regained its upward curve, the weight of the state has increased. And Nicolas Sarkozy, despite and perhaps because of a hardening nationalist protectionism, promise to pay too rich it would even hunt beyond the borders to protect us against all the evils of life failed. With the explosion in flight tourbillonnisme this, karen millen dress it is tragic to see some right, sing the chorus of social enough, too reformist or too liberal. In 2007 and 2008, a reformist ambition righteous right hand was shattered on the comfort of a state of grace nine months give birth to incomplete reform of the university, a Grenelle Environment defying the risk and progress, Attali commission whose good ideas were forgotten and a law in favor of work, employment and purchasing power (law Tepa) lacking vision and clumsy to the point of view the tax write checks for the wealthy. This right, admittedly, has from the beginning of the quinquennium, denied his mandate. She knew that the state was bankrupt and refused to consider. She did not keep his promise and die? U his constituents, who sanctioned. Not to mention the unnecessary tensions and provocations vain that sealed his fate. Of course, some reforms were adopted, karen millen some taboos have fallen. Obviously, the crisis has not helped, and the current unraveling of some oxygen bubbles created by the former majority is even worse. But because it is on the eve of its reinvention, the right must be bold. True modernity is not in turmoil. It exists in the understanding of human action, that individual's ability to adapt, to respond to incentives to improve their well-being. The policy must descend from its pedestal, but no more reason micro macro, and stop trying to change the man, but respect it. Include, for example, before rushing in to fill tax competition budgetary holes, what needs a contractor to build, create jobs and want to do so in France. Perceive that orchestrate new solidarities, more efficiently, the day we will spend more, like today, nearly 600 billion social spending per year (which is simply untenable) . Stop trying to control everything, all embroidered l. Tell the truth, but also find an optimistic speech. France is not a dying old woman, but a beautiful girl in her room, which no longer has confidence in it, afraid of others like itself, while karen millen sale full capacity. But he speaks badly. It tells everyone what to do, do not, when he should be again trusted adult to talk to freely and responsibly. Many political orphans waiting for this revolution of thought, which would draw in more Tocqueville, Constant, Bastiat. A line more Orleanist more humanist who solidaristic renounce temptations and clearly denounce the impasses of the National Front, its values ​​and its inept economic program. For all this, we will have to kill the father. But is it not so that one becomes an adult?

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WAR The U.S. military karen millen dress training camp for Nazi criminals

Post n°1 pubblicato il 27 Agosto 2012 da karenmillen281

WadeMichael Page, Karen Millen Outlet the killer who murdered seven people in a Sikh Temple of Wisconsin on August 4, was probably unbalanced. But it was also a former soldier, excluded from the army in 1998, and a white supremacist. Page is it an isolated case, a rotten apple, according to the theory generally served Karen Millen Dresses through official channels after such tragedies, or a symptom of a much wider phenomenon in the ranks of the American army? In an article entitled Neo-Nazi gangs and criminals in the U.S. Army, published on the website of Al-Jazeera journalist and writer Belén Fernández refutes the thesis of the rotten apple. The author is mainly based on an article in the Christian Science Monitor, which explains how certain movements supremacists and neo-Nazis are enrolled to train in the art of war in order to then use their military expertise. To believe an official of the Ministry of Defence, the presence of extremists in the military is not an epidemic, Karen Millen Dress but obviously we are talking about thousands of people. You'll be able to lead The Christian Science Monitor delivers the testimony of a former white supremacist, which today form the U.S. military to detect the extremists in their ranks. TJ Leyden said he was encouraged to join the marines when he was skinhead. The elders of the supremacist movement talked about karen millen dress it all the time. They said: 'This is an excellent choice, you'll be able to cause', he says. These groups also recruit in the ranks of the army: The main supremacist groups have branches in front of military installations. They look for individuals who received military training. According to a report commissioned by the Pentagon itself in 2005, the army practice 'do not ask, do not tell' (do not ask, do not tell) about extremist views. An ostrich policy that would actually implied consent to, says Matt Kennard in his book Irregular Army: How the U.S. Military Recruited Neo-Nazis, Gang Members, and Criminals to Fight the War on Terror. Admirer of Hitler During his investigation, Kennard was amused to call five recruitment centers of the army. Pretending to be an aspiring soldier, he offered his services and asked if his tattoos Nazis were not the curb in his new career. Result: no recruiters has suggested that this could be an insurmountable obstacle. Kennard then recounts his meeting with Forrest Fogarty, a veteran of the Iraq war, white supremacist and admirer of Hitler. Before leaving for Iraq, Fogarty joined the Hammerskin Nation, the best organized and most violent skinhead organizations in the United States. His girlfriend then tried to prevent his enrollment by sending pictures of him in neo-Nazi meetings and performance in a Nazi rock group to three of his superiors. Summoned before a military committee responsible for drawing the matter to light, karen millen outlet he merely refute the obvious: I denied it and explained that my girlfriend was a spiteful bitch, that is true. And left without further formalities serve his country in the streets of Baghdad. Crime, drugs and sexual assault But the race war is not the only internal conflict which the decay criteria army recruitment contributes. According to an FBI report of 2007, Members of nearly every major street gangs have been identified in military facility on U.S. soil or abroad. The author of the report warns: Former and current soldiers gang members transfer their know-how in their community and military use against the police, who are generally not trained to face bandits with military expertise. In his book, prom dresses quoted by Al Jazeera, Matt Kennard cites statistics from the Palm Center, a research unit of the University of California, emphasizing the proliferation of criminals in the ranks of the army. The figures show that between 2003 and 2006, the army enlisted 4,230 criminals under the program Moral waivers, which corresponds to a doubling in three years. The Moral waivers (Exceptions moral) allows the recruitment of individuals who do not meet academic standards, such as sex offenders, perpetrators of terrorist threats or pedophiles. According to Kennard, two soldiers hired between 2003 and 2006 had made threats of bombings on American soil. The Guardian speaks about his 87 soldiers sentenced for assault, arson and seven nine sex offenders. The total enlisted soldiers under this program totaled 34,476 in 2006.

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