
EU Treaty environmentalists Karen Millen Dress majority vote yes to the Organic Law

Not surprisingly, Karen Millen it will be yes. After officially stood for no to the European treaty, the environmental group National Assembly chose yes to the Organic Law, which guarantees the application of text fiscal France. Inconsistent? On the contrary, Karen Millen Dresses explains Barbara Pompili, co-chair of the group. TSCG the [Treaty on stability, coordination and governance] was not due to the government, the Organic Act is due to the government. N It is not binding if and only provides that the High Council [fiscal] render advice, http://www.karenmillenstoreuk.com the government leaves leeway to act. The consistency depends on the analysis being done, François de Rugy again, the other co-chair. Us, we do not want automatic correction mechanisms, the organic law is more flexible. We said Karen Millen Outlet that we would table amendments, two out of three were adopted, he says. AGREEMENT ON THE GOALS AND NOT ON THE STRATEGIES The only amendment Karen Millen Outlet that has been rejected environmentalists, however, was the one who mattered most: he was excluded from the calculation of the deficit so-called green investments for the future. But we felt the government attention on this point and we do not despair of moving the issue forward, continues Dr. Pompili. Both amendments were Karen Millen Dresses adopted environmentalists on the composition of the High Council of Public Finance (one asked the addition of a member appointed by the Economic, social and environmental) and the European criteria selected, which will no longer be only budget . Finally, on 17 MPs environmentalists, 12 voting no to the Treaty, 3 vote yes and 2 abstain. The organic law, 12 or 13 should vote yes and 4 or 5 abstain. All groups are made through these debates, Karen Millen said MP Christopher Cavard., But there is not an ounce of cigarette paper between us on the objectives, it is on the strategies that we are not agreement.