
Suspicion of karen millen outlet store tanks 22 nuclear reactors

22 The safety of nuclear karen millen wedding dresses reactors from eight countries will need to be revisited after the discovery in Belgium, potential cracks of the reactor vessel No. 3 plant in Doel, located near Antwerp. These defects revealed, Tuesday, Aug. 7, karen millen outlet store by the Federal Agency for Nuclear Control (FANC) Belgian, could also affect another reactor in the country, that of Tihange 2, whose tank was provided by the same manufacturer, the Dutch group Rotterdamsche Droogdok Maatschappij, which has since ceased operations. But Belgium is not alone concerned. The discount karen millen dresses Dutch group has manufactured tanks twenty other reactors, installed for ten of them in the United States and, for others, Germany (2), Argentina (1), Spain (2), the Netherlands Netherlands (2), Sweden (1) and Switzerland (2). It is therefore possible that the same defects are present karen millen outlet on these facilities. It was during the ten year review began on June 2, Doel 3 reactor, commissioned in 1982, an analysis method by ultrasonic sensors detected the presence of numerous statements that could be likened to of potential cracks, said the FANC. This event has been temporarily classified as Level 1, on an international scale with 7 degrees of severity. The nuclear fuel was unloaded for the revision, there is no danger to the public, workers and the environment, say the FANC and Electrabel, the Belgian subsidiary of French group GDF-Suez, which operates the installation. DEFECTS OF 30 YEARS OLD, BUT NOT DETECTED The nature of these defects, probably present from the construction that had escaped but for three decades engineers to Electrabel, must be clarified by additional tests that will require a few months of work, he explained, Wednesday, Aug. 8, a door Speaker of the electrician. We must determine whether these abnormalities can develop into cracks or if there are already cracks, for his part stressed the FANC. The defects did not cause leakage of radioactive elements - which karen millen outlet would necessarily have been detected - during the phases of reactor operation. But, says Fran?ois Balestreri, National Institute of Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) French, they show that the build quality is not at the highest level. The vessel of a reactor that encloses the heart, that is to say the fuel rods and reactor coolant system, measuring 13 m high and an outer diameter of 4.4 m and a weight of more than 300 tons. It consists of structural steel 20 cm thick, welded together. Detected abnormalities may produce vertical cracks, which weaken the structure more than if they were horizontal, said in an internal e-mail the director of the FANC, Willy De Roovere. The Belgian control agency will not give its green light to restart the Doel 3 that if the compelling arguments are provided by Electrabel. Meanwhile, it will remain off at at least until August 31. In his note circulated internally, the boss of the FANC does not exclude a final judgment in the worst case. The problems seem severe enough to prevent the reactor to restart, also believes the IRSN. The same fate could be booked at the No. 2 engine Tihange, near Liege. Commissioned in 1983, and has a tank also manufactured by the firm in Rotterdam, discount karen millen dresses it must be shut down in the coming days for review. He will undergo ultrasonic testing with results expected in late September. The FANC advocates inspection term of five reactors in Belgium, even if their tanks were manufactured by the French Creusot or Japanese Japan Steel. IN FRANCE, MULTIPLE CONTROLS In France, the tanks of the 58 nuclear reactors were all supplied by Creusot-Loire (integrated from the Areva group). The French Nuclear Safety Authority said they are controlled in the manufacturing phase and operation phase, on the occasion of the decennial plants. However, EDF is willing to consider the expertise to come on both Belgian reactors. In Belgium, stopping longer than expected Doel 3 and Tihange 2 should not be a problem of supply, at least this summer, according to the manager of the Belgian high voltage network, Elia. But in the event of termination, the country would be in trouble, because it depends for 51% of its nuclear power generation. Willy De Roovere, timing of nuclear power has gradually adopted the Belgium could be revised. The coalition government of Elio Di Rupo had already changed in July this calendar adopted in 2003 under pressure from environmentalists, karen millen wedding dresses while retaining the principle of closure of seven reactors in Belgium between 2016 and 2025. But in this scenario, the two reactors in Doel and Tihange to be among the last to close. This plan is challenged by GDF Suez, which claimed last week, details the Belgian authorities, without which the group says it can not invest the money required for the extension until 2025 of a reactor Tihange. The company has already threatened to leave the country if the economic environment had been too unfavorable. The incident puts pressure on the European Commission, which ensured want to answer all citizens' fears about the safety of nuclear installations and that a report on the subject is expected in the fall.