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China exercises the use of F-10 response to the Indian border provocation

China and India along the border line of actual control of military deployments increase, exacerbating tensions in the border areas, so that they are no longer stable.The article mentioned that China's Chengdu Military Region for the first time in altitude of 4,500 meters at the air-ground joint regional military exercises, that this is India's recent military exercises along the audrea blog border in response. The article, entitled "PLA military exercise powerful lightning hit back at the Indian border provocation," the article pointed out that the exercise was in India along the Sino-Indian border at land and air joint exercises held shortly after.China expert Lajia En (DS Rajan) noted that the exercise used the Mi-17 helicopters, 10 fighter jets, 122-mm howitzer, two-car mounted 25 mm anti-aircraft artillery group, a large number of main battle infantry fighting vehicles and other equipment.October 21, Chinese media published a paper entitled "Indian border blitz is not a routine exercise without prior notice Beijing," the report said India has been strengthened in the Tibet region of China's military deployment as an excuse to continue to strengthen the military construction in the border areas.Article but also on the line of actual control in India's military deployment in detail, said so far, India has in the eastern sector (including southern Tibet included) to deploy the 240-300 aircraft, five mountain infantry division and a mechanized division.The article says that India's position on the border is becoming increasingly tough. Indian media reports said the Indian government approved in Arunachal Pradesh (southern Tibet that I) the deployment, "Brahmos" supersonic cruise missile program; their view, India's first deployment of offensive weapons against China means that China's military strategy in India by the "defense" to "attack" change.Finally, the article said, the aubree blog border region's stability depends largely on China's reaction. Now, "the ball has been kicked to the Chinese," depends largely on the stability of the border China's response; and the ongoing large-scale Chinese military buildup. (Sri Lanka years)