Questa sono io...

"BITCH" (Meredith Brooks)I hate the world today,you're so good to me I know but I can't changeI need to tell you but you look at me like maybeI'm an angel underneath, innocent and sweet...Yesterday I criedmust have been relieved to see the softer sideI can understand how you'd be so confusedI don't envy you,I'm a little bit of everything, all rolled into oneI'M A BITCH, I'M A LOVER I'M A CHILD, I'M A MOTHERI'M A SINNER, I'M A SAINTI DO NOT FEEL ASHAMEDI'M YOUR HELL, I'M YOUR DREAMI'M NOTHING IN BETWEENYOU KNOW YOU WOULDN'T WANT IT ANY OTHER WAY...So take me as I am,this may mean you'll have to be a stronger manrest assured that when I start to make you nervousand I'm going to extremestomorrow I will change and today won't mean a thing...