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Is it so bad to finish your life when you are only a dead man walking an empty and aching soul a soul murdered by yourself ? when you discovered you killed your love when you discovered you never made your choose but somebody has always decided for you so I lived only under stupid illusions and false decisions I never loved myself treating myself as a puppet so I missed the Love being blind and deaf I shattered her and I shattered myself again so I discovered I am nothing absolutely nothing an empty body full of someone else thoughts with only the illusion to be loved who can love a man with no warm heart a machine with no sense of its deep soul? So does make it sense to continue like this? Probably the best way is to eliminate myself The world it has no more meaning for an empty soul Noone will cry much for a robot with a heart of stone I am tired of suffering, I have never really lived so sick with my empty and useless words only a player of words without humanity who cannot understand nothing of life so God let me know why i should continue this absurd game? a game which I have never played at all, as i was a spectator and when you sent me a fantastic person which explained it to me I killed her because I have not understood again so let me know.....why do I have to continue again? To let you laugh about this stupid creature? Every day that pass it's a pain that add its weight on my empty soul and on my hollow heart making it so hard to continue my life a life useless and without any sense so I will go, with a false smile on my face with my mask well fixed on my dead body noone will notice any kind of difference because It's from long time that I am a dead soul and a dead soul cannot understand the beauty of love it can only understand the obscurity and dephthness of deathin its shadow I have passed quite my entire life thinking to be in the light but being only in the darkest path of death so I hope I can find relief in deathit has been my real companion for years shattering my  life day by day so I will return where I have been generated in the darkest and gloomy part of Hell and not as I thought in the Light so I will return to the Land of Deads I cannot bear the Land of The Living anymore