La biologia marina

La magia di un tocco: Tellington Touch!

Un interessante metodo di rapportarsi, di addestrare o rieducare il proprio animale. Pare funzioni, quindi perchè non  mescolarlo con le tecniche di Operant conditioning a rinforzo positivo già utilizzate?
Dal sito ufficiale (Eh si... E' in inglese!): "Developed by internationally-recognizeed animal expert Linda Tellington-Jones, Tellington TTouch® Training is a specialized approach to the care and training of our companion animals, horses and exotic animals, as well as for the physical and emotional well-being of humans.With Tellington TTouch, even the most difficult problems and behavioral challenges are often eliminated, enhancing the quality of your animal's life.Tellington TTouch can help you understand and influence your animal with your heart and hands in a way that develops trust, creates a harmonious relationship, and changes unwanted behavior.
The magic of TTouch and how it impacts the physical, mental and emotional aspects of all beings is explained by clicking on a link below.Dogs, Cats and other companion animalsHorsesHumans (TTouch is for You, too!)Andate sul sito e scoprite questa fantastica cosa!